would not be built: by this its form that (altar) becomes built (so as to contain) a thousand Brihatis.
6. The Pankti is the ear,'—thus, whatever power, whatever vigour there is in the ear that is this one thousand; and to the ear, indeed, this vigour belongs, for were the power of hearing of him who builds it to pass away, this fire-altar, assuredly, would not be built: by this its form that (altar) becomes built (so as to contain) a thousand Panktis.
7. “The Trishtubh is that generative (life-giving) breath,'-thus, whatever power, whatever vigour there is in that breath, that is this one thousand ; and to that breath, indeed, this vigour belongs, for were that breath of him who builds it to become disordered, this fire-altar, assuredly, would not be built: by this its form that (altar) becomes built (so as to contain) a thousand Trish/ubhs.
8. 'And the Gagati is that downward breathing,'thus, whatever power, whatever vigour there is in that breathing, that is this one thousand; and to that breathing, indeed, this vigour belongs, for were that breathing of him who builds it to become disordered, this fire-altar, assuredly, would not be built : by this its form that (altar) becomes built (so as to include) a thousand Gagatis.
9. Now, these seven metres which increase by four (syllables) successively, and are firmly established in one another, are those seven vital airs' in man, firmly established in one another : thus, by
· Viz. those enumerated in the preceding paragraphs, including those passing through the eye, ear, &c.
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