the regions are the metres, and the metres are deities; and that Ka is Pragâpati; and inasmuch as they are goddesses (devf) and Ka, they are 'devikâh'.' There are five of them, for there are five regions.
40. As to this they say, 'He should not offer these oblations, lest he should do what is excessive.' Let him nevertheless offer them; for these oblations are offered for (the fulfilment) of (special) wishes, and in wishes there is nothing excessive. And whatever oblation is offered after the cake of the animal-offering that is placed inside the victim itself as its sacrificial sap. He offers both kinds (of oblations), those of the Soma-sacrifice and those of the Agni(-kayana), to wit, first those of the Somasacrifice, and then those of the fire-altar: the significance of this has been explained. The cakeoffering of the animal sacrifice is (performed) in a loud voice, and these (five oblations) in a low voice, for they are an ishti 2. With the Pasupurodâsa he (the Adhvaryu) says, 'Recite!-Urge!' and with these (oblations), 'Recite!-Worship!' for they are an ishti3. There is the same Svishtakrit, and the same Idâ
41. Of that same animal-offering (of the barren cow) they perform the Samishtayagus-oblations; they enter the expiatory bath with the heart-spit * ;
This is an etymological quibble resorted to in order to account for the oblation to Pragâpatî as one of the oblations of the goddesses (deviki).
See p. 248, note 1.
3 See ibid., note 2.
That is, for these five oblations which are inserted between the chief oblations and the Svishtakrit of the Pasupurodâsa; as above, IX, 4, 3, 12 seq.
For this expiatory ceremony, called the Sûlâvabhritha (spit
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