63. A six-month (Agni) is the last 1 he may build,' they say, 'for six-month embryos are the last that live when born. If he were to recite the Great Litany on one not carried for a year, he should recite (only) the eighties of verses; for something incomplete is (the Agni) not carried for a year, and something incomplete are the eighties of verses. But, indeed, he would only still further pull asunder that (Agni, already) pulled asunder 3 ; and, indeed, whether he (Agni) be carried for a year, or not carried for a year, he (the Hotri) should recite the whole of the Great Litany.
64. Now Sandilyâyana was once upon a time sojourning in the eastern region. Daiyâmpati said to him, 'Sândilyâyana, how is Agni to be built? For, indeed, we are loth to carry him for a year, and yet we wish to build him.'
65. He said, 'Let him by all means build him by whom he has previously been carried for a year ; for that, that (Agni) alone he builds as one that has been carried * (as a child in the womb).'
66. And, indeed, let him by all means build who
as a priest, hence-Let no one become an officiating priest ..., thinking, Lest I should be a participator .....
1 That is to say, he must have been carried about for at least six months; and embryos less than six months old cannot live.
? This is so for the reason that the Mahad uktham consists of more than the eighties of verses; see IX, 3, 3, 19. One might feel inclined to include this whole sentence in the preceding quotation.
s That is, already too much attenuated, by being made as large as one a year old (?).
• Sâyana remarks, that this reply does not restrict the building of the fire-altar to one who has carried the fire for a full year, but only discountenances the building in the case of one who has only carried it for a few days (?).
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