sacrifice, wealth with offspring!' as the text so the sense.
13. This one he lays down with its line-marks running eastward and crosswise 1; for by that one Praga pati then cut out the root of evil, and in like manner does this (Sacrificer) now thereby cut out the root of evil. On the right (south) side (from the centre he places it), for the thunderbolt has a string * on the right side ;-inside the one in the southern quarter, for it is for the sake of extension that he leaves that space.
14. The one which (lies) in front is the outbreathing, the one at the back the off-breathing: by the out-breathing he (Pragàpati) then drove away evil in front, and by the off-breathing in the rear; and in like manner does the Sacrificer now by the out-breathing drive away evil in front, and by the off-breathing in the rear.
15. And the two on both sides of the spine) are the two arms : whatever evil there was sideways of him, that he drove away with his arms; and in like manner does this Sacrificer now drive away with his arms whatever evil there is sideways of him.
That is to say, crosswise, or marked in the opposite direction to the Asapatna brick near it, viz. to the one placed east of the southern end of the cross-spine which (like all bricks placed between shoulder and thigh) has its line-marks running from south to north. The fifth Asapatna, lying immediately north of that southern one, thus has its line-marks parallel, not (as one would expect to the cross-spine, but to the further removed spine.
? This is a doubtful rendering of udyama,' which is accepted by the St. Petersb. Dict. for 'shad-udyâma,' at VI, 7, 1, 16, 18; whilst in the present case 'dakshinata-udyâma' seems to be taken by it to mean 'southward erected, southward drawn (aufgespannt).' Ud. yâma, in the sense 'extension,' might mean a protruding part, serving as a handle.
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