the gods were first, and then men: therefore he drinks (Soma), after offering in the fire.
12. Now, then, the discussion of the Samishtayagus (oblations). The gods and the Asuras, both of them sprung from Pragâpati, entered upon their father Pragâpati's inheritance, to wit, speech-truth and untruth, both truth and untruth: they, both of them, spake the truth, and they both spake untruth; and, indeed, speaking alike, they were alike.
13. The gods relinquished untruth, and held fast to truth, and the Asuras relinquished truth, and held fast to untruth.
14. The truth which was in the Asuras beheld this, and said, 'Verily, the gods have relinquished untruth, and held fast to truth: well, then, I will go thither!' Thus it went over to the gods.
15. And the untruth which was in the gods beheld this, and said, 'Verily, the Asuras have relinquished truth, and held fast to untruth: well, then, I will go thither!' Thus it went over to the Asuras.
16. The gods spake nothing but truth, and the Asuras nothing but untruth. And the gods, speaking the truth diligently, were very contemptible, and very poor: whence he who speaks the truth diligently, becomes indeed very contemptible, and very poor; but in the end he assuredly prospers, for the gods indeed prospered.
17. And the Asuras, speaking untruth diligently, throve even as salt soil', and were very prosperous: whence he who speaks untruth diligently, thrives indeed, even as salt soil, and becomes very pros
Both salt (V, 2, 1, 16; VII, 1, 1, 6) and saline soil (VII, 3, 1, 8) mean cattle.
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