skrit Texts, V, 443; Grill2, pp. 15, 182 ff.; Henry, Le livre VII de l'Atharva-véda, pp. 20, 80 ff. Cf. also Ludwig, Der Rigveda, III, 341.
Stanza 1.
Repeated with variants at Våg. S. XXVII, 9; Maitr. S. II, 12, 5; Tait. S. IV, 1, 7, 4; Tait. År. X, 48 (Ândhraversion). Brihaspati and Agni are here one and the same divinity; see VI, 140, 1, and Bergaigne, La Religion Védique, I, 300; III, 84. 174. Agni figures prominently in the ayushya-hymns. See II, 28, 2; III, 11, 4; 31, 1. 6; VIII, 1, 11.
Stanza 3.
Cf. VIII, 1, 1. 3. Pâda b is a gagatî in the midst of trishtubh Pâdas, as frequently elsewhere. Read taấv. The Anukramanî, bhurig.
Stanza 4.
a, b. The Paippalâda reads, mâ tvâ prânzo hâsîd yas tve pravishto mâ-pâno-vahâya parâ gât. For Pâda b, cf. Maitr. S. I, 6, 1 (p. 86, 1. 1): Tait. S. V, 7, 9, 1. Pâda a is a trishtubh; b a catalectic anushtubh. The Anukramanî, ushnikgarbharshi pańktih. Problematic attempts at correction are made by Grill and Henry.
Stanza 7.
Cf. RV. I, 150, 10, &c. See the index to v. Schroeder's edition of the Maitr. S., and the introduction to the present hymn.
A series of shallow therapeutical practices are prescribed by Kaus. 32, 5-7, to wit: 5. While reciting the hymn (the patient is given to eat the sweetwood) mentioned in the mantra 1. 6. Natural mud, and mud from an ant-hill are
1 Cf. st. 2. Thus Kesava, gyeshthîmadhu=yashfimadhu (cf. the introduction to I, 34, and Kaus. 38, 17). Dârila, madhûdvâpa, 'earth from a bee-hive' (cf. Kaus. 29, 10 in the note on V, 13, 7).
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