Stans& 6. The Taittirîya version again has the mark of priority (agá ékapâd for agá ékapådah). The agá ékapad is certainly the sun; cf. Tait. Br. III, 1, 2, 8, 'the one-footed goat (with double entente, “driver," and again, “non-born”?) has risen in the east, delighting all gods; at his urging all the gods go.' Cf. the note at XI, 4, 21.
Stanza 10. The gayatrî, the rhythmic measure of Agni, is his representative upon earth (cf. RV. I, 61, 8; Journ. Amer. Or. Soc. XVI, 9). The assimilation of Rohita and Agni, which appears frequently in the sequel, begins here. Note the variants, Tait. Br. II, 2, 5, 2.
Stansa 11. d. Repeated at RV. X, 123, 8 d, where the Pâda appears to be secondary, since the word rupáni, supplied here from Pâda b, is there wanting. Cf. similarly the inferiority of RV. VI, 58, 1 a to Tait. År. I, 10, 1 (3 a).
Stanza 12. 0. två is metrically superfluous, and hardens the sense. Without it,' he shall not abandon me, lest I abandon (him).' Our rendering of nathitó, 'when implored,' is uncertain : ordinarily (e.g. III, 1, 2) it means 'in distress. The sense would then be, may I not in distress abandon thee.'
Stanza 14. c. Repeated in st. 37 d. The rendering is conjectural owing to the obscurity of the word magmáni, which occurs here only. Cf. RV. I, 143, 4.
Stanza 15. c. I am inclined to think that Ludwig is correct in emending the dr. dey. ushnihâkshard to ushníhâksháro = ushníhâ aksháro, and in rendering aksháro by om (the pranava); cf. Sânkh. Sr. I, 1, 36 (pranavo ye yagâmahe vashatkâral). For other suggestions, cf. Henry's careful discussion in his note (1.c., p. 27 ff.).
* Cf. Bergaigne, La Religion Védique, III, 23.
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