c, d. Both Pâdas are hypermetric; the first may be mended by excluding grihanâm (so in our version), which seems to have crept in from st. 9 c; the second by changing sárvavîrâh to súvîrâh or sávîrâh. The translators render upasattáro, erroneously, by 'inmates;' this is certainly incorrect, as may be gathered from Våg. S. XXVII, 2. 4, ma ka rishad upasatta te agne; AV. II, 6, 2, má te rishann upasattaro agne. Sâyana, upavadanakartârah, Ludwig, fancifully, 'nicht sollen dich verletzen die belagerer der häuser!'
Stanza 7.
Occurs with many variants in the Grihya-sutras of Åsv., Pâr., Sânkh., Hir., Åpast., Bhâradvåga, Mânava; see the introduction, and Professor Kirste's edition of the Hiranyakesin, p. 54, notes.
b. The reading gågatå sahá, also in Hir. and Bhâr.; Mân. has gagadâ saha; Pâr. gagadaik saha; the other texts show still greater differences. For gagat, see Zimmer, p. 150, and AV. IX, 3, 17. Oldenberg in the Sacred Books, vol. xxix, pp. 345, 395, and xxx, p. 205, renders both gagat and gagada by' companion;' Ludwig, 'mit dem lebenden ;' Weber, 'nebst allem was sich rührt.' The others, as above. Sâyana, gamanasîlena gavâdinâ saha.
o, d. Sâyana has kumbhâh which approaches the reading of Sankh., kumbhyâh; and kalasir, like Åpast. and Bhår. The last seems preferable to kalásair of our texts; cf. the note on VI, 59, 2b.
Stanza 8.
In the Paippalâda this stanza is wanting here, appearing (with variants) in another hymn; Grill in his translation places it before stanza 7, without a statement of his motive. Cf. Kaus. 43, 10; Vait. Sû. 16, 1 (with the vikâra, adhvaryo for nåri), and in general AV. IX, 3, 22, and Kaus. 66, 25.
c. Sâyana reads pâtrîm and samindhi (samdîptân kuru). Shankar Pandit, with most of his MSS., reads imam pâtrin, referring imam to the house.
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