also at a burial-ground? 18. Thrice he exclaims : "Slay those yonder.” 19. While reciting the second (brahmagavî-hymn) he hides a stone in the excrement. 20. Twelve nights does he rest observing every vow (of the brahmakarin). 21. When the sun has risen twice (after the twelve days, the enemy) is laid low. Cf. especially AV. XII, 4 and 5, and Sat. Br. XIV, 6, 7, 4=Brih. År. Up. III, 7, 1. The Anukramanî designates the two hymns as brahmagavidevatye.
Both hymns have been translated by Muir, Original Sanskrit Texts, 14, 285 ff.; Ludwig, Der Rigveda, III, 447 ff., 451 ff. (cf. also 154); Zimmer, 199 ff.; Grill ?, 41, 148 ff. ; cf. also Hillebrandt's Vedachrestomathie, p. 42.
Stansa 3. Ludwig very ingeniously suggests the change of ma to ya at the beginning of Pâda c; this yields a more concinnate construction : 'Enveloped in her skin, as an adder with evil poison, sapless, unfit to be eaten is the cow of the Brâhmana.' Shankar Pandit with all MSS., sá.
Stanza 4. This and the following stanza, as also 8, 9, and 13 are in trishtubh metre, and bear no reference to the cow of the Brahman: they deal with the Brahman himself. Muir, Ludwig, and Zimmer refer the verbs to the cow.
Stanza 5. b. ná kittät, lit. 'not as the result of thought;' cf. ákittyä, V, 17, 12, and malváh, V, 18, 7.
Stanga 6. b. The Paippalada reads agneh priyatama tanah, and the Pet. Lex. suggests agnéh priya tanấr iva; cf. st. 14, and XII, 5, 41. 73.
o. Soma is the heir of the Brahman, i. e. Soma is benefited by the service of the priest; or, perhaps, Soma is
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