Self, the highest, affected with
duality by Nescience, ii, 340. -- not to be contemplated in the
symbol, ii, 340-342.
- see also Brahman, and Lord. - individual (embodied), can an
existence independent of the body be assigned to it? i, p.
Ixxiv; ii, 268-272. -- a reflection of the highest S.,
i, p. xcvii.
- is the only reality, i, 4 n. -- is the object of the notion of
the Ego, i, 5. - is the witness of all the modifications of the internal organ, i, 9. - the identity of the i. S. and Brahman, i, 30 seq., 41-43, 45, 105; ü, 288, 291, 337-340. --- arguments against it, ii,
338. - is purified by certain ritual actions, i, 33. - cannot be the abode of any action, i, 33. – cannot become an agent, i,
Self, individual, of a dreaming per
son, there exists a multiform creation in it, i, 352 seq.; ii, 133 seq., 137 seq. - how is it known at all if it is not the object of perception ? i, 368. - is not produced, but it is eternal, according to Scripture,
ii, 29-33. -- deep sleep takes place in it, ii,
141-146; therefore the awaking takes place from it, ii, 146
seq. - the passages about its having
true wishes and other qualities, have to be combined, ii, 247249.
the existence of a S. different from the body proved, ii, 268272.
not different from the body, according to the materialists, ii,
369. -- taught by the Upanishads as
the object of cognition, ii, 288. -- - is thou,' it is the agent in
seeing and hearing, is successively apprehended as the inward S. of all the outward involucra beginning with the gross body, and finally ascertained as of the nature of intel
ligence, ii, 335. -- the conceit of it being subject
to pain is a wrong conceit, ii,
336 seq. - - when released, manifests itself
in its own nature, ii, 405 seqq. -- see also Soul. Self-consciousness, the subtle ele
ments of material things pro
ceed from it, i, 376. Selfs, the real, innermost Self and
secondary, i, 64-66, 68, 72. - words like aditya, &c., convey
the idea of certain divine, i, 219. - it is senseless to insist on a plu
rality of, i, 282 seq. - plurality of S. acknowledged by
Kapila, i, 295. nine qualities of the S., according
to the Vaiseshikas, ii, 69. - refutation of the Sankhya and
Vaiseshika doctrine of many, ii, 69-73.
ature of a so
- - considered as the agent in
sacrifices, i, 43. - as the ruler of the organs of action is connected with the mind, i, 107. - the golden person is in the, i,
112. - difference and non-difference of the i. S. and the bighest S., 1, 112 seg., 115, 130, 187, 249
seqq., 251 seq., 283. -- is the charioteer, the body the
chariot, i, 121. - cannot be the person in the
eye, i, 124, 129 seq.
- is not immortal, i, 130. --- the effects of Nescience, desire
and works, ascribed to it, i,
130. - - is one only, i, 135.
is, by means of merit, and demerit, the cause of the origin of the complex of things, i,
136. . --- has the qualities of Selfhood
and intelligence, but not those of omniscience and similar qualities, i, 158, 268. .
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