Paninian Sutras of the Type अन्येभ्योऽपि दृश्यते
other than those of the subset beginning with få but including the interrogative किम्10.
2.4.1. This sūtra is related to the following: 41316 TR
41310 तसेश्च । ५।३।९ पर्यभिभ्याञ्च । ५।३।१० सप्तम्यास्त्रल् । ५।३।११ इदमो हः । ५।३।१२ किमोऽत् । ५।३।१३ वा ह चछन्दसि।
5.3.7-9 provide that a pada with a fifth-triplet ending is followed by तसिल. which also replaces तसिll and foliows padas with परि, अभि; e.g., ततस् (–तद्-अस्-तस्) from that', यतस् 'from which', परितस् 'round about in all directions', 34TH 'from both sides'. 5.3.10-13 introduce affixes after padas with a seventh-triplet ending. In general, to follows any such pada formed with a base of the group stated in 5. 3. 2 (see 2.4 with note 10), but & follows such padas containing 564. A pada with foot takes the suffix 377. In Vedic usage, moreover, optionally follows such a pada. For example : 77 ( C-5-7) 'in that, there', 7 'in which, where', 5E (4564-3-7) 'in this, here', 09 ( 164-5-37) 'in which, where ?', E 'in which, where ?'. According to 5. 3. 14, the affixes introduced by preceding rules also are seen to occur after padas with other vibhaktis (51927:). That is, afect and I can follow padas with endings of triplets other than the fifth and seventh. One can say, for example, 41 and , where is coreferential with a nominative and an accusative, so that it is derived with an after padas with endings of the first and second triplets.
Moreover, one must appeal to usage in order to know what particular nominal bases enter into such formations. From what is said in the Mahābhāsya, it is clear that, at Patañjali's time, the affixation provided by 5. 3. 14 applied for padas with the bases Hall you', starya 'long lived', danifiy beloved of the gods', and 341404c 'long lived', all used as equivalents of a second person pronoun"2. It is also clear from the way Panini formulates 5. 3. 14 that at his time the domain of the affixation was not definite.
2.5. 3131830 37221sfg gula
2.5.1. This sūtra is related to 3131876 3770199 (STE:19 h Engh Degret [8P]) ३।३।१२९ छन्दसि गत्यर्थेभ्यः ।
According 3. 3. 128, 19(-37) is affixed to verbs in -ā construed with $96, hand to form derivates meaning 'easy to...' and 'difficult to...'; e.g., ईषत्पान 'easy to drink', दुर्दान 'hard to give', सुदान 'easy to give'. By 3. 3. 129, युच्
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