Nalini Balbir
prescribing the use of the instrumental case (tṛtīyā) "(with words) having the meaning "with" is taught there :
sahārthena (1.3.129 = sūtra 20 in the vibhakti-section of Abhayacandrasūri's commentary)
ct. sahārthena yuktāt tṛtīya bhavati. putreṇa sahāgataḥ putreṇa saha sthulaḥ, putrena sārdham, putreņa sākaṁ, putreņa samaṁ, putreṇa satrā, putreṇāmā bhunkte45.
(ii) Prakriya designates one of the commentaries on the Jainendravyäkaraṇa, for instance Śrutakirti's Pañcavastuprakriyā or the Sabdarṇavaprakriyā based on Somadeva's Sabdārṇavacandrikā. This is not impossible because the sutra sahärthena is also attested in the Jainendra 1.4.30.
The solution could come from another verse of the AC, identified by the editor of the text as "a mangala-verse of Śākaṭāyana's Prakriyā”, but this verse is unfortunately not traceable in any of the sources consulted by me46.
As for the sūtra itself, a comparison of Śāk. with the corresponding aphorism in Panini saha-yukte 'pradhane (2.3.19) confirms F. Kielhorn's conclusions regarding the relation of the two works: Śākaṭāyana's "pathological concern for economizing the number of syllables", his way of incorporating material from the commentaries (Katyāyana or Patanjali), but, at the same time, his manner of simplifying the matter by removing a specification which he probably considered as having minimal importance (apradhāne). Similarly, a comparison with the corresponding sutras in the Candravyakaraṇa and in Hemacandra's work shows Śākaṭāyana's indebtedness to Candragomin (where sahārthena is sūtra 2.1.65) and Hemacandra's indebtedness to Śākaṭāyana (Hemac. 2.2.45 has sahārthe)47.
14. Although less frequently, metrics is like grammar a field of knowledge referred to in riddles. In the following instance
rucirā kā satām vṛtta-jātiḥ? (JP 69)
Which is the kind of metre that connoisseurs find beautiful ?, the selection of the right answer among many possibilities, namely mālinī, is determined by the next question.
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