Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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FEB., 1921
time of Ptolemy in the second century A.D.! It is very fortunate that a town by the name of "Polura " has been mentioned as being situated near the Kambyson mouth. The identification of this place would clear up much of the obscurity that is involved in the question. As stated before, we must seek for Poloura, not near the present mouths of the Ganges,
but much higher up, as the whole feature of the delta has changed Poloura, since the second century A.D., and in order to do this, we must rely upon
local traditions as recorded by writers of the 16th century. In the district of Nadia in Bengal, there is a town called Påhädpur, the ancient name of which was Koladvipa-Parvatapura as recorded by a Vaishộava poet Narahari Chakravartti in his Navadvipa-Parikramd. It was briefly called Koladvipa or Kolâpura 69 or Påhâļpur.70 Kolapura is close to Samudragadi," the ancient name of which was Samudragati ("Entrance into the Ocean").72 Kavikankaņa also states in his Chandi that Srimanta and his father Dhanapati Sadägar in their voyage to Ceylon arrived at Samudragadi after leaving På pur (Påbådpur).73 The Navadvipa-Parikramâ records a
It should be observed that in the Navadvipa-Parikramd the word " Duipa " is synonymous with a town (Pura or Nagara) as Antardvipe is now Atopura (p. 15), Ritud vipa Ratupura (p. 48), Jahnudvipa Jännagara (p. 61), Agradvipa Agonagara (Ptolemy), Rudradvips Rudrapura (p. 72). Hence, Koladvipa is Kulis or Kolapurs. 70 Navadvípa-Parikrama, p. 37 -
Srinivasa prati kahe Srimadhura bhisha Kuliyl-pahadapur dekha Srinivasa. 23. Pärvve koladvipa parbbatåkhya e prachára E náma haila jaichhe kahi se prakara. 24. Parvvata api mana kola vipre dekha dila
Ei hetu koladvipa-parbbatâkhya hoila. 49. (Then in sweet voice (Isana) said to Srinivasa " Oh Srinivasa ! See Kulia Pahadpur ! its former name was Koladvipa-Parvata, and I will relate to you how it got that nampe,...." The God Kola appeared before the Brahman like a Parvata (mourstain), hence its name became Koladvipa-Parvata). 71 Ibid, p. 40
Aichhe kala kahi chale Koladvipa haite Prabhur vildsasthåna dekhite dekhite. 1. Samudragadi grâmer nikate giya kays
Dekha Srinivasa e Samudrs-gadi haya. 2. (Thus saying they proceeded from Koladvipa, looking at the scenes of the early life of the Lord (Gauránga). Coming near the village of Samudragadi, he said " See Srinivass; this is Samudragadi.) 73 Ibid, p. 44:
Gangsaha gatite Samudragati nama
Eve loke kahaye Samudragadi gråma. (The union (of Samudra) with the Ganges has given it the name of Samudragati, which people now call Samudragadi village.) 73 Kavikankana-Chandt, p. 234, (Srepati's journey to Triven) -
Rajani prabháte sadhu meli ata ndya Navadvips Padapur edaiyê yaya Samudragadi Mirjapur vâhe tvarů tvara
Nahi mâne sadAgar basanter khara. (The merchant taking his seven boats early in the morning passed Navadvips and Padpur (PALAdpur, and quiokly plied his boats from Samudragadi to Mirzapur, without heeding the currents of the spring season).
Again, Ibid. p. 200 (Dhanapati's journey by boat):
Pahadapur Samudragadi vahil melan
Mirjapur gh&te dinga karil châpân. (The boat after passing Pahadpur and Samudragadi arrived at the ghat'at Mirzapur).