Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 258
________________ 248 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY (AUGUST, 1921 the book--and adding the briefest of notes to set easy to detect a mistake in a text. It is always straight the many serious errors in Tod's lucubra- difficult to be quite sure that one has put it tions as revealed by research subsequent to his straight, correctly, sufficiently, and intelligently in time. The present writer is in a position to a footnote, and Mr. Crooke is to be congratulated, appreciate the enormous labour and research on the results of his efforts in this direction. required to compile suoh notes. It is only too R. C. TEMPLE. NOTES AND QUERIES. SLAVERY FOR DEBT. . 3. [The following table gives the current value The following paragraph foreshadows the immi- in 1919 of well known weights and measures in nent death, under British rule, of A very widely. Trengganu] spread and ancient custom in Indo-China. It 1 dollar = 28. 4d is culled froin the Annual Report (1919) of the 1 pikul = 133} lbs. (17 pikulszapprox. British Adviser to the State of Trengganu, the imately, 1 ton). latest acy uisition in the Malay Peninsula. 1 tahil = 1} oz., Av. "The registration of debt-slaves was completed i kati = 14 lbs. during the year, and the institution--except for 1 gantang = 6 katis. the registered slaves, whose debts are being steadily chupak = 1 gantang. leasened by monthly reductions—is now abolished 9 leng = I chupak." by law." R. C. TEMPLE. R. C. TEMPLE. TIN CURRENCY IN THE MALAY STATES. NOTES FROM OLD FACTORY RECORDS. The following extracts from the Annual Report 21. The Company's premises at Peddapalle. of the British Adviser for the State of Trengganu, 3 September 1682. Leller from Samuel Wales Malay Peninsula, for 1919 will be of interest to those and Council at Petlipolles [ Peddapalle ) to William who have followed my article on this subject, Gyfford and Council at Fort St. George. . . . ante, Vol. XLII, pp. 85 ff. They show that under Upon Tuesday the 29th past at night wee arrived given circumstances, a tin or lead-tin currency is bere and went Immediately to view the honble. natural to some of the Malay States even under Companys Factory, which wee found in soe British Rulc. miserable a Condition that there is noe thoughts 1. "The condition of Trengganu weights and or possibility of repairing it, the upper Chamber measures has for several years been a serious scan being fallen into the Godowne and the walls of the dal; it is doubtful if a single true steel-yard (daching), two Roomes below mouldred away, and the Rooffe or gallon, quart, or pint measure (gantang, chupak, fallen off and all the timbers Consumed and rotten Lany), could have been found in the whole State. And the floore broken upp. Soe there being noe The matter was dealt with soon after the amenit- habitation for us, we were forced to accept of a ment of the Treaty; it was found that the quart Choultry [rest-house) with a hovell at each end and pint standards corresponded to the Singa- provided by the Governour for us and the honble. pore scale, but that the gallon was smaller hy ! | Companys goods which is neither Con Companys goods which is neither Convenient for kati (5) kætis as compared with 6 katis in the the one nor the other in respect the floore is Mudd, Straits Settlements). Extreame damp and swarms with Ground (White! "After some discussion it was decided to adopt Ants Soe as there is noe preservation for the the Singapore Standards and to purchase a supply Europe Cloth nor Callicoes (when brought in) nor is of new niet al measures from Singapore. Tho there any Convenient place for Sorting or any thing Chief Police Officer, Singapore, very kindly arrang Elce, Wee our Selves being forc't to lye in the Open ed for and superintended their manufacture. Aire in Pallan keenral ever since wee Came hither. They have now been brought into use, and the Wee have Sent into the Towne to Enquire for use of buckets, cocoanut shells, and cigarette tins, Godownes (warehouses and find there is none of that formerly served the purpose of measures, Fit dementions for our purpose; and for a small is now prohibited." Mudd hole which they Call a Godowne of 10 foote 2. "Great distress was caused during the year square they aske & pagoda and a halfe [about by the shortage of subsidiary coin. Some $ 10,000 Rs.53] per month rent. Wherfore wee entreat your worth of copper coin supplied by the Treasurer, Worship &ca. to take it into your Consideration Straits Settlements, disappeared immediately from to find out some expedient for a remedy of these circulation, in spite of penalties for hoarding. inconveniences; otherwise wee shall not be able to Even the local tin coins (pritis) began to disappear. Berve the honble. Company as our Inclinations At the time of writing [May 1920) Government lead us for our healths will be impared and their is preparing to mint further supplies; they are goods damnified. . (Records of Fort St. made of a mixed lead-tin alloy (60 per cent. : 40 George, Letters to Fort St. George, 1682, vol. II, per cent.)." P. 84). R. C. TEMPLE


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