Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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whet, (v. t.) sharpen (a) in ref. to a blade, olowia (da); (b) w. of an egg. ... mõlotool, etc. ...ig-jît (ke), see sharpen; l'ôt-elepaij (da). 2. white ant (termite) (b) in ref. to the tusks of a boar . . . . ig..... bēdera (da). 3. w. hair . . . . ig (or rir (ke).
ôt)-tõl (da). 4. w. haired person .... whot-stone, (s.) .... talag (da). See ab-tõl (da). (v. t.) make white ....ig App xiii.
(or ot)-olówia (ke). (v. i.) ....iji (or oto) | Phothor, (pron.) (+) which .... tencha! olộwia (ke). (da). Whether is the larger the sun or the whither, (adv.) (a) to what place (interrog.) moon ? tencha bódia an hôdo an ôgar (da)? .... tekaricha (da). Whither are you (b) (conj.) if, in case . . . . an. Whether going ? : tekarichá ngôke? See Ex. 1 at go. he is angry or not, never mind : an 6l tigrel
(b) (rel.) Whithersoever.... min-len. See an yüba, úchin dake.
Ex. at thither. and App. i. which (a) (interrog. pron.) .... tencha
who, (pron.) (a) (interrog.) . . . . mija (da). Which stone hurt your foot ? tencha
(da); mija (da); (honorific) mijola ; mîjola. taili la ng'ongre?. See App. ii. Omissions,
Who gave you these fish-arrows ?: mija also hurt and Ex. at how and that (clem.
cha rua-lông-kalak nge mane ?. mija is pron.) (b) (rel. pron.) .... ate (da);
also used in an indefinite negative sense. yate (da). The canoe which you see is
- See Ex. at none. Who knows !. (goodness mine : rôko ng'ig-bådig-åte wai dia (da).
knows!. . . . ûchin !) (When is he coming? while. (contin. part.) denoting during or ôl tain inke?) Who knows! Ochin! (b) at the time that, when .... nga-bêdig. (rel.) ... âte (da); yâte (da). See It is not customary to hunt pigs while it is which, that and Ex. at shoot and App. i. raining : yim la pånga-bêdig delenga kianwai
whole, (s.) all, total quantity or number yāba (da). See when. (s.) a long while .... (a) dûru (ca); ûma (da); ting ârla-ababa (da); årla-l'ârduru (da). (adv).
ūbai (da). See Ex. at use-up. (adj.) (a) a long while ago : mataiyābaya. See time,
sound ... Ôt-gorojim (da); (b) entire, meanwhile (meantime, in the) .... toba
all .... dôga (da). The whole day: tek. whirl, (v. t.) spin, rotate . . . . ig-keti
bôdo-dôga (da). (ke). (v. i.).... iji-kêti (ke).
whose (pron.) .... mijia (da); mijia whirlpool. See eddy.
(da). Whose skull (is this)?: miji'ôt-chêta whirlwind, (s.) . . . . &ra-lêlanga (da). (da). ? For its employment in an indefinite
whisker. (8.).. . ig-âb-pii (da). (cheek, negative sense, See Ex. at none. hair).
why, (adv.) (a) wherefore .... michawhisper, (v. t.) (a) face to face ....ig-len; michalen. Why are you hoarse ? : vâl-pa (ke). (b) into another's ear.... michalen ng'iglêrwinga (da) ?. (b) for what åka-yal-på (ke). (v. i.) speak in & whisper cause or purpose .... bad'ig; micha-leb. . . . . iji-yal-på (ke) iji-têrema (ke). Why are you going there ? : bad'ig ngô
whistlo, (v. t.) with the lips .... kökok katik (ke) ?. Why do you give me the (ke). (s.) kökok (da). I heard a whistle just påddle ? : micha-leb ngô den wäligma manke?. now : wai do dala kókok l'Aka-tegi-l'Idaire, (exclam.) Why do you worry me? (what a
while, (adj.) (a) of inanimate objects .... nuisance you are !): bad'ig derumaba ! (ig-) olowia (da). (b) of animals and birds wicked, (adj.) sinful . . . . yübdanga (da). .... Ot-olôwia (da). (6) of European It is wicked to murder and steal: ab-parecomplexion ....itêremya (da). (s.) 1. katinga 616&dig tåpnga wai yabdanga (da). (a) w. of the eye ....1 (or ig)-dal-l'ot- wlokedness, (2.) sin.... yabda (da).
, idea, out: i, cur : a, casa : 4, father : &, fathom: ai, bite; ku, house : áu, rouse.