Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 418
________________ HIR 76 HUP Rawlinson's Fwe Great Monarchies, IV, p. 344). The temple is said to be a low mud edifice, containing a shapeless stone situated in a cavern (Asiatic Researches, vol. XVII). The ziarat is so ancient that both Hindus and Muhammadans claim it without recognising its prehistoric origin. The goddess is known to the Muhammadans by the name of Nani (Imperial Gazetteer, vol. xiii, p. 142). The Aghor river is the boundary between the territory of the Yam of Beila and that of the Khan of Khelat. The name given to the stream above the peak in the Hara mountains is Hingool. It is called Aghor from the mountains to the sea. On the way from Karachi, between the port of Soumeanee and the Aghor river, there are three hills which throw up jets of liquid mud called Chandra-kûpa. The village nearest to Hinglaj is Urmura or Hurmura, situated on the coast at a distance of two days' march (JASB., IX, p. 134). Hiranvati-1. A river in Kosala, probably at its western extremity (Vamana P., ch, 64). 2. A river in Kurukshetra (Mbh., Udyoga ch. 158). Hiranyaváhu ---The river Sona, the Erannoboas of the Greeks (Amarakosha). See Sona. The modern Chåndan was erroneously identified by Major Franklin with Erreen Bhowah: it runs south of Bhagalpur and joins the Ganges to the west of Champânagar, Chândan was also called Chandravati (see Franklin's Site of Ancient Palibothra, p. 20, and Uttara Purana quoted by him). The name of Chandan however has some connection with Chând Sadâgar (see Champapuri). Hiranyavindu-1. A celebrated place of pilgrimage at Kalinjar (Mbh., Vana, ch. 87). 2. A place of pilgrimage in the Himalaya (Ibid, Adi, ch. 217). Hiranya-parvata—Monghir (see Mudgala-giri). Hiranyapura-Herdoun or Hindaun in the Jeypur state, seventy-one miles to the south-west of Agra, where Vishịu is said to have incarnated as Nrisimha Deva and killed Hiranyakagipu, the father of Prahlada (Padma P., Srishti, oh. 6). But see Mulasthanapura. Hiranyavatt-The Little (Chhota) Gandak, same as Ajitavati near Kusinara or Kusinagara (Mahaparinirvana Sátra). It flows through the district of Gorakhpur about eight miles west of the Great Gandak and falls into the Gogra (Sarayû). Hisadrus-The river Sutlej in the Punjab. Hadini The river Brahmaputra (Wilford, Asiatic Researches, vol. XIV, p. 444). But this identification does not appear to be correct. It is described as situated between Kekaya on the west and the river Satadru (Sutlej) on the east. Bharata crossed this river on his way to Oudh from Kekaya (Ramdyaņa, Ayodh., ch 71). Hrishikeka-Rishikes, a mountain twenty-four miles to the north of Hardwar. which was the hermitage of Devadatta (Vardha P., ch, 146), It is situated on the bank of the Bhagirathi on the road from Haridwar to Badrinath. Hana-dewa-1, The country round Sakala or Sealkot in the Punjab, as Mihirakula, & Hun, made it his capital. 2. The country round Månasa-sarovara. Hupian--The capital of Parsusthana, the country of the Parsus, warlike tribe mentioned by Panini. Hupian is the present Opian, a little to the north of Charikar at the entrance of a path over the north-east of the Paghman or Pamghan range (Cunningham's Anc Geog., p. 20). It was the site of Alexandria, a town founded by Alexander


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