Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 437
________________ AUQuer, 1921) HIR AND RANJHA CHAPTER 11. (The Kazi admonishes Her but she refuses to give up Ranjha.) Now when Hir came back from the forest her parents sent for the Kazi and the Kazi sat between Chuchak and Milki, and Hir was made to sit in front of the Kazi. And the Kazi said: "Child with all gentleness we give you counsel. Take heed unto our words with patience. It is not becoming for the daughter of Chuchak to talk to cowherds and penniless coolies. You should sit in the assemblies of women in their spinning parties. Turn your red spinning wheel and sing the merry songs of the Chenab. Your demeanour should be meek and modest, remembering the dignity of your father and his family. For Jats carry weight in the world and girls should think of their parents. They should not gad abroad. In a few days the messengers of your wedding will be here. The preparations for the marriage are all but complete. The Kheras will bring a marriage procession in a few days to take you to the house of your husband." And Hir replied to her father : "As wine-bibbers cannot desert the bottle, as opiunieaters cannot live without opium, 80 I cannot live without Ranjha. As the stain of mango juice cannot be washed away from clothes, so the stain of love cannot be erased when once the heart has fallen a victim. Love is like baldness. You cannot get rid of it even in twelve years." Thereupon Chuchak said to Milki: "You have spoilt your daughter with too much kindness. She listens to nobody's advice. Rip open her belly with a sickle ; pierce her eyes with a needle, and smash her head with a milking stool. The Kazi said : " Those who do not obey their parents will be burnt alive. The girl seems to welcome death and the stake. Girl, you should beware of Love. Under pain of Love Sohni drowned herself in the river. Sassi died a martyr in the desert. When fathers become angered they hew their daughters in pieces. They bind them hand and foot and cast them into a deep pit. If we say the word you will be done to death at once. If evil doers are killed, God does not avenge their death." And Hir replied to the Kazi: "Woe to that nation that destroys its daughters. It will be accursed and utterly perish from off the earth. The blood of the victims will bear testimony. Those who kill their daughters will be accounted sinners in the day of resurrootion. God will say, Eat them, as you killed them with your own hands.' I will be submissive in all things to my parents, but do not ask me to give up the shepherd. I have pledged my faith to him. Mother, if you wish for happiness in this world, give Hir in marriage to Ranjha. It is easy to give advioe, but difficult to pursue the path of Love." And Milki replied: "My daughter, all the people taunt us when they see your wicked ways. You are a black-faced wanton. You are thinking of Ranjha all the time. You weary the body and soul of your parents with sharp words. You bark like a bitch day and night." And Sultan, Hir's brother oame forward and said: "Mother, she puts us to disgrace in the whole world. Do not keep such a bad daughter. Give her poison and get rid of her at once. If she does not obey you and sit in purdah, I will kill her. Do not let the shepherd into this compound or I will cut him into little pieces. Mother, if you do not bring your daughter into submission I will burn the house down." . See page 16. 8 Female infanticide is not uncommon in India.


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