Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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wiekorwork (8.) .... têpi (da). w. frame w..... Akd-tännga (da). w. on the beam for cooking-pot.... ramata (da). See .... pârit A-ûlnga (da). App. xiii.
wine, (s.) also any spirituous liquor .... wide, (adj.) .... pan (da); pêketo (da). Fog
oldalróg (da). possibly adopted from the English That sounding-board is very wide : kato word "grog." pikuta-yem nga pêketo dôga (da).
wing (8.) of bird or bat....ig-acha-tâ
(da); ig-wât (da). See quill. widow, (s.) .... ar-leba-pail (da): chân- wink, (v. t.) ....ig-nêmel (ke). (v. i.) arleba (da). Widower, (s.) .... ar-leha- iji-nêmel (ke). hala (da); mai-ar-leba (da).
winter, (s.) cool season . . . . påpar (-wâb) width, (*) . . . . pän-yôma (da) pêketo- (da). yöma (da). See quality.
wipe, (v. t.) (a) what is wet....rar wife. (8.) (a) newly-married (during tirst (ke). (b) w. what is dirty.... gûj-râr few months only). ...ik-yâte (pail) (da).(ke). Wipe the eyes of the infant that he p. pron. dai, ngai, ai, etc. See App.
been crying : ab-déreka t'ékik-ate l'ig-rår (ke). and viii. My newly married wife is away
wire, (s.) .... lêriwit (da). word adoptcollecting shell-tish: dai ik-ydte akà-là l'ôt-1
i tk-dle Akata rated since discovery of wire in wrecks. jeg nga l'edáre ab-yāba (da). (b) (after that
wise, (aaj.) .... mūgu-tig (or ti)-dai period) .... ab-pail (da). Your wife and
(da). See forehead and know. infant son are sound asleep : ngab-pail olbe..
wish, (v. t.) want, have desire for, feel dig ngta öla (wai) arla-l'itig-ritake. Our wives need of .... en-a (ke) reflex. See want. were absent yesterday : mat-pail (16ng-kalak) |
(v. t.) (v. i.) feel desire, have a wish .... dilea at-yäba (da). Note distinction between
lat (ke). I too wish to accompany you : wife ("ab-pail") and woman (" A-pail")
dôl bêdig ng'ik lat (ke). Do you all wish
to go hunting ?: an ngarat-dúru delengn wild. (adj.) not domeeticated. See savage. I lat (ke)? See long (v. i.). will. (v. aux.) See shall.
with, (postp.) 1 together with, in the willing, (adj.) .... käk-ta-oroknya (da). company of .... ik (pl. itik). With me: He is willing to accompany us there: wai dik; with thee: ngik; with him (or her) : 6 katik m'itik kak-ta-orokenga (da). lit. heik; with us: mitik; with you (pl.) : ngitik : thither with us willing (is). .
with them : itik. See Ex. at willing. 2.
in the care, or possession of, among .... win, (v. t.) in fight . . . . otola-ônio
ôt (pl. otot) paicha-len. See Ex. at among (ke). See beat. (v. i.) w. in a race ...
and bundle. He sat down with us : 6l otolå (l'edā) (ke). See first and be.'
motot-paichalen akà-dôire. 8. by the use. wince. (v. i.) .... Sêr'adla (ke).
or exercise of .... tek. He struck the wind, (v.'t.) coil .... 0t-kodo (ke); ôt- snake's head with great force : 6l jóbo t'ôt kõt (ke): (H.) .... anga (da); walnga (da) cheta göra löga tek pärekre. He hit me on [in .compound words ta (da). Ex. N. E. the leg with a stick : 6l pitu tek d'ar-pärekre. wind . . . . paluga-t& (da); p&par-tå (da): See App. ii. * Omissions," châg (leg) being S. W. w..... gômul-ta (da); dêria-ta understood. 4. by means of .... tan. (da): S. E. w..... chila-ta (da) ] N. W. tek. He scooped the canoe with an adze : v.... chal-jótama (da). wind-fall, (a) 61 wólo tam-tek roko kopre. 5. against, of fruit. ... toru-tanga (da). (b) (figur) in opposition to ...,.eb. My father is .... ad-mag-wêlejnga (da). favorable still angry with me: dab chábil ngaka deh (following)-w. . . . . ar-ulnga (da). head iji-télke.
", indolent: 0. pole: ò, pot : o, orful: òi, toil.