Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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wither, (v. i.) of tree or flower .... womb, (s.) . . . . Ôt-árain (da). rûka (ke). . See rot. w., of a flower or vege- wonder, (v. t. and v. i.). ...ig-ngekli table ... maiñ (ke). withered, (p. a.) i (ke). (adj.) wonderful ....ig-ngeklinga (a) of a limb .... ar-dama-ba (da). (lit. (da). (interj.) How wonderful! .... badi! flesh-none.) (b) of boughs, leaves, etc., when woo, (v. t.) court. ...ig-dûrpa (ke). fit for burning .... rûcha (da). (c) of See make love to and love. fallen leaves suitable for bedding .... wood, (s.) the hard substance of the tree, râinnga (da).
etc .... pûtu (da). within, (postp.) inside .... koktar-len. wood-pocker, (8.) Mulleripicus Hodgei .. See Ex. at inside and without
kôi (da). without, (prep.) not having, in absence word, (s.) . . . . yâbnga (da). That's a of without orders: ba-kanik. See difficult word: ka yanga wai 6t-kútunga (da). Ex. at order. 2. (postp.) (a) lacking, desti- work, (v. i.) (a) of a sedentary nature, tute of .... pîtainga (ya). (See want), yāba-leg, making canoes, implements, weapons, len (lit. not-to). The escaped prisoner with etc. . . . . Ôn-yôm (ke). (b) e.g., fetching out taking any) food put out to sea on a supplies of food, water, jungle material, Lamboo raft: ôt-châtre ad-wéti-yote yat etc., .... têp (ke). Golat's father said pitainga : po-chonga len oto-jámure. Without (thus) to him as you have worked well. a harpoon how can we spear a turtle ?: kouni
to-day I excuse you the rest of the work) a la pitaingaya kichikachå med'yadi la jera
but your younger brother must finish it like? All my fellow-countrymen are beardless
to-morrow": golat l'abmaiola en kichikan-wai (lveard-without): mitig-bůdua l'Ardúru wai
tậrch (re) “ngô kauai bêringa ôngômua adal-pj la pitaingaya. He came without l'edare Ong-kíchal artidábuke, dồna wainga* bow : 61 kârama yābalen onre. (b) with the len ng'aka-kam aba-waik Ongkadlike."(p.a.) exception of ... ijiya. See Ex. at engaged in work, working.... Ônyôm nga except. (0) outside .... walak-len. My pot ] (da); têpnge (da). (s.) ôn-xôm (da); tệp (). is quite clean within and without inside
world, (s.) . . . . êrema (da). This refers and ont.): dia búj koktár-len 61-bêdig wdlak- only to their own islands which they formlen chatnga ûbaya. 8. (conj.) unless. See erly believed to comprise the whole earth. unless. 4 (adv.) without cause .... Ot-Now other countries are spoken of as "ôtkâlya. You abused him without cause :
m without cause : baia-êrema (da)." or "êrema-l'ôt-baia (da)". ngôl 61-kálya ad ab-tôgore. without doubt
See foreign. (Note the association with the (question, or fail) .... et-lamu-tek; wai- word for jungle, their islands being originkan; aba-yāba-ba. See Ex. at certainly, ally entirely forest-clad.) of course, yes.
Worm, earth (s.) .... wili-dim (da). witness, (s.) one competent to give evi- worm-eaton, (p.a.). ... -l'âr-růmre, the dence (a) as being a spectator .... êr-l'ig- name of the insect being o (da). See perforate bâdigiga-yâte (da). (lit. place-see-woh); (b) worn out, (p. a.) (a) decrepit (adj.). . . år. from acquaintance with the facts ....tê (da); ar-tå (da). (b) physically exhausted min-ti-dainga-yâte (da). (lit. something (p. p.) : ... dama-l’dka-châmre ; (c) of know-who).
inanimate objects from use or age:... woo is me! (interj.) .... wada-08-18 1 årtâmre. See old and unservlowable. (cry of distracted mother or wife at time of worry, (v. t.) See annoy, team (v. i.)... bereavement).
ara-tariki (ke). Woman, (8.) . . . . &-pail (da). See App. worso, (adj.) had in greater degree .... viii..
tek-(ab-) jäbag (da). My canoe ik 'worse *, idea, cut : 1, "cur : &, casa: &, father : K, fathom : ai, bito: au, house : du rotse.