Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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lik. See Ex. at " as well as." (b) together Give me whatever is fit to eat, I'm hungry, with.... 31-bêdig. Well done !.... min mäknga-loyu-yate d'en a, wai d'akakaka-tek!; tật !
gåringa (da). (b) all that (lit. what is bad West, (8.) .... târ-mûgu (da). See also?).... michima jābag-bêdig. Bring south for S. W. wind and S. W. monsoon. me whatever you can from that place :
wet, (adj.) (a) from rain . . . . Öto-pûlure. | káto-tek michi ma-jābag-bédig den toyuke. (b) from other causes ....oto-înare. (c) whatever time, at (rel.) at such time as drenched in water-logged canoe . . . . oto-.... kian-êr-ûbalik. See Ex. at same dûnure. (v.i.) get wet, (a) from exposure to and time. rain.... Öto-pûlu (ke). (b) from water in wheedle, (v.t.) coax, cajole.... ngete a canoe . . . . Öto-důnu (ke). (c) from other
ge ö to-dônu (ke). (c) from other (ke). He wheedled you all yesterday : ôl causes . ... Öto-ina (ke). (s.) Wet mon
mon. dilêa nget drdůru ngetere. soon. See monsoon.
wheeze, (v. i.) breathe huskily....
ûn'yu (ke). whale, (s.) Physeter macrocephalus ....
when, (adv.) (a) at what time (interrog.) biriga-tâ (da). This morning, while we were
.... tain (da). When are you going all bringing in the turtles which we had
home?: tain ngô wijke ?. (exclam.) (Pray) netted during the night, a whale suddenly
when did I do it ? (as when accused of some rising to the surface near us caused the canoe
offence).... tain wano ! at such time as to capsize, whereupon all the turtles escaped:
(rel.) .... kian-êr-ûbalik. See Ex. at dilmaya mar'duru yadi-lông-kalak gûrug-ya
time. (c) whenever, at the very time that, yöto-tépinga-len päne-yáte akat-wernga-bédig biriga-id til pi lagya ebalnga rô ko l'en-oto
whenever (rel.) . . . . Õna. When he is rôgire, kianchd yadi l'ardiru la adwetire.
angry (then) I am afraid : ona ô tigrélke nga
d'adladke. (contin. part.) at the time that, what, (rel.) .... âte (da); yâte (da).
while....nga-bêdig. He fell when Is it true what you say?: an ngô târchi-yåte
climbing : ôl gütunga-bédig páre. See while. (an-)aba (da) ?. What ( interrog. )....
| whence, (adv.) from what place interrog.) michima (da), [Is also used in an indefinite
.... michima (-êr) -tek; tekaricha-tek. negative sense, see Ex. at get and whatever];
Whence have you come ? ngô michima-êrmichiba (da); ba (da). What did you say ? :
tek önre? (rel.) .... mintek. Whence ngô michima yabre? . What do I see? :
Woi came thence am I come: min-tek wôi ba d'igbadike? What do you mean (what are
önre ôl-bédig-tek dôl. you up to ?): ba ngô minke? (or michima
whenever, (adv.) See when (c), time (12), ngôke ?) What a pity ! widi !. What a nuisance
and Ex. at same. you are !: badi kaya ! (or badi-dúrumaba!).
where, (adv.) (a) at what place (interrog.) What is your name ?: michima ng' ôl-ling?
.... tän (da). Where is it?: bu tän? (or ting-l'âr-eni!) What is the matter with
Where is he living ? ô tän búduke? (b) to you?: michima ng'ôre? What length ?
what place, whither .... tekarichå (da). What size? What distance? What age See
Where are you (going)?: tekarichà ngô ? (0) How long ? how big ? how far ? how old ? In
wherever (rel.) .... minya. Where you what style ? : kichika (da)? What else ? : tún
go there also will Bira go: minya ngô Kirke inichima (da)?; tän-tun-michima (da)?. What's
6l-bêdig bir'ya. See also Ex. at there and happened? (what's the matter?)....
App. i. michibare? See Ex. at boar. About (con- | whereabout, (adv.) .... michima-êrya. cerping) what ?: micha-l'eb? See Ex. at talk whoroupon, (adv.) in consequence of which
whatever, (adj. and pron.) (a) anything .... kianchå (da). See Ex. at tug and that .... min.... ate (or yâte] (da). whale.
o, indolent: 8, pole : d, pot : 7, awful: di, boil.