Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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way, (s.) road, path. . . . tinga (da) Which way (by which path) are you going? tencha linga tek ngô lirke? On the w. (a) by land . . . . tinga-len. (b) by creek .... jig-len; (c) by sea... .. jûru-len. On the way there we saw several turtles and porpoises, but did not harpoon any: katik jûrulen meda yâdi ôlbêdig chôag jibaba itig. bâdigre, dona dûtre yaba (da) (adv.) All the way... tinga-dûru (da). See Ex. at each. In this way kian-âri (da). Do it in this way: kian-ari diyo (ke). In that way: kîan-ûba (da). See App. I. (v.i) make way. ad-ōchai (ke). 2. make a w. (a path) tinga-lot-wal (ke). 3. clear the w.. tinga-bûj (ke). 4. show the w.. tinga-chi (ke). 5. describe (tell) the w. tinga-l'îtai (ke). 6. lead the way tinga-l'ōko (or l'ôt)-la (ke). waylay, (v.t.). . . . âr-jîriba (ke). we, (pron.).... mòlòichik (in constr. mòl'); meda; med'; m'. We all (of three or more) . . . . mòl'ârdûru (da); med' ârdûru (da); m'ardûru (da). We all (of a community or tribe) . . . . m'ar-ârdûrn (da). We all (of a large number of persons) m'at-ûbaba (da). None of us have (lit." we all have not ") ever ascended Barren Island volcano: med ârduru taili-chapa-len eda kagalre yaba (da).
weak, (adj.) of animate objects. . . . ahmâlai (da); ab-tōroki (da). 2. of inanimate objects mâlai (da); tōroki (da). wealthy, (adj.). ... ar-bêjir (da).
wean an infant, (v.t.) . . . . kâm-raij. l'ig-kâna (ke). (lit. milk-forbid.)
wear, (v.t.) any ornaments or clothing ab-yôm (ke); ab-loti (ke). 2. on the ... iji-gô (ke); ig-yôm (ke); 3. round the waist. . . . âr-êtai (ke); ârvom (ke). 4. round the neck. . . . âkan-êtai (ke); âkà-yôm (ke). 5. round the arms .. i-cho (ke). 6. round the legs. . . . år-chō (ke).
weary. See fatigued.
weather, (s.) lit. sky... moro (da). See calm, clear, cold, fine, hot, stormy. What kind of weather had you while staying at Meopong ? ngô mèopòng polinga bêdig kichika moro (da)? To day the weather' is favourable for turtle hunting ka-wai yadi tôbinga l'eb moro bêringa (da).
weather-proof, (adj.). . . . âr-kōla (da). 2. A weather-proof hut .. chẳng-kīla
weave, (v.t.).... têpi (ke).
web, (s.) spider's . . . . ñgònga-kûd (da). web-footed, (adj.). . . . pêketo (da). wed, (v.t. and v.i.). See marry. . . ad-eri (da). wedding, (8.) wedge, (s.) weed, (s.). See sea-weed.
i-tanings (da)
pîrpa (da). 2. Sea-weed,
weep, (v.i.)... t'ê-kik (ke). See cry, tear. 2. weep bitterly.... t'i-la-(ig-) rita (ke), with special ref. to their custom of expressing their joy at re-union with relatives or friends after a long separation by sitting with their arms round, one another's necks and sobbing for even an hour or more. When he heard (lit. on hearing the news,) that his wife was dead he wept bitterly: ôl ékan pail okolínga târtit idainga bêdig t'ila. igritare.
weigh, (v.t.) ascertain heaviness of.... (î-) târ-täl (ke). See measure.
weight, (s.) heaviness. . . . (da), see quality; dûla (da). well, (s.) fresh-water hole....ina-l'igbang (da).
well, (adj.) in health.... ad-hêringa (da); ab-yed-yaba (da). Are you quite well now?: an ka-wai ng'adbêringa ubaya ? 2. well-behaved.... öko-dûbunga (da). 3. w-made (a) of a human-being. . .. ahchàu-bêringa (da); ab-dâla-bêringa (da)(b) of a weapon, utensil, etc ...igbêringa (da). 4. w-polished. . . . chûlubêringa (da); geligma-bêringa (da). See abscond and polish. (adv. and conj.) as well as (a) not less than âr-tå-lôg.
a idea, cut: à, cur: á, casa : à, father: ä, fathom: ai, bite: au, house: àu, rouse