Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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wall, (s.) (temporary) leaf (a) .. .. abwära bédig göra l'edare. 2. verb. suffix.i.. bigadinga (da). This is erected on the ka. See p. 6. footnote 15. weather side of a hut as protection from rain wash, (v.t.) .... chat (ke). 2. by merely or keen wind; (b) kõmla (da). This is a pouring water over another .... ab-ela similar erection but extends all round the (ke). (v.i.) . . . . ad-chât (ke). 2. by pour. hut when further protection is needed; it is ing water over one's self .... ad-éla (ke). also applied to walls in civilized buildings. See bathe.
wallow, (v.i.) of a pig . . . . ad-lada (ke); wasp, (s.)... tòl-yakar (da). 2. ad-yâtara (ke). See dirt, mud.
mason's wasp .... bâtma (da). walnut-tree, (s.) (Indian) Albizzia Lebbek waste, (v.t.) squander . . . . en-tê (ke). . . . . chấto (da).
(v.i.) lose bulk .... maiña (ke). wander, (v.i.) roam, stray.... êr-lama (ke). watch, (v.t.) look after an encampment wane, (v.i.) of the moon .... (@gar-l') during the absence of others . . . . iglalai âr-Odowa (ke).
(ke); el-akà (or êr-l'ig)-badi (ke). (v.i.) keep waning moon, (s).... Ogar-l'âr-do- w.... to (or iji)-lalai (ke). See look out. wanga (da).
watehful, (adj.) on the watch.... ig. want, (v.t.) desire, feel need of . ... 1&lainga (da); êr-gêlep (or gêlib)nga (da). en-a (ke). reflex. (this must not be confound - See also vigilant. ed with "en-a (ke)." cause to give" which is | water, (s.) fresh (in contradistinction to unreflexive.) Do you want my bow ?:an ngó sea)-water, ... ina (da). 2. springdia karama ng'endke. As we are going to w.... bêa (da). 3. salt-w..... pâta (da). visit that small island we want your canoe : 4. brackish-w..... rogodi (da). 5. rainkat' tot-kaicha lat ér-tälnga l'edare med' ngia w....morowin-l'ina (da). See sky; yûm roko m'et-ake. See erave, desire and just. (da). 6. boiling-w..... îna-I'âr-jóinga (da). (v.i.) be needy, be lacking .... pîtai (ke). low-w. See tide. w-fall.... îna-l'ar-char
wanting, (p.a.) lacking, missing .... (da.) See spring. w.-fowl . . . . télyu (da).. 10. pitainga (da). As many more have just w.-hen .... båra (da). 11. w. holder. See Arrived pork will be wanting (lacking): bucket and App. xiii. (adj.) w.-tight .... tún-jsbaba at-gôi akat-ti-doinga l'edare reg- ar-kola (da). (adv.) by water (a) if by sea dama pitainga (da).
.... jaru-len; (b) if by creek . . . . jîgwarm, (adj.) .... ûya (da).
len. (v.t.) .... akd-yirip (ke). (v.i.) of the warm, (v.t.) anything .... 0t-aya (ke). eyes .... t'i-la-wêjeri (ke). See tear and (e.g. cooked food). (v.1.) warm one's self issue. 2. of the mouth .... akan-raij (ke). .... ad-uya (ke).
See saliva. 8. draw pool or stream .... warn, (v.t.) give notice of danger .:.. ik-õdli (ke). ab-ch@ali (ke); ēkan-tig-oyu (ke). 2. caution
wave, (s.) of the sea .... påtara (da). .... yâbnga-l'itai (ke). 8. w. off, beckon wave, (v.t.) brandish. ...ig-wil (ke). away . . . . ab (or 1-)k&na (ke).
wax, (s.) bees-(a) white . . . . Aja-pij warp, (v.t.) .... en-têka (ke). (v.i.) (da). (b) black .... tôbul-pij (da); lêre .... têka (ke).
|(da). See App. xiii. and Ex. at caulk. 2. wart, (.) .... õla (da). with prefix ab, sealing-wax .... känga-td-baj (da). See ông, etc., according to, part of the body comb and Ex. at use-up. 8. ear-w..... referred to.
aka-ya-maru-win (da). (v.t.) make wax was, (v.i.) .... edare, the perf. form 1. ... i-tegi (ke). See Ex. at uso up. of the obsolete verb edake (to be) Punga | wax, (v.i.) of the moon . . . . Ogar-lawhen a young man was strong : wai punga walago (ke). See App. x.
o, indolent : 0, pole (.d, pot :, awful :di, boil.