Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Bangara estuary, 38; the ancient name of .. 40 Banians, of Surat, 314 ; captured by Shivaji .. 317 bankesall godownes . .. .. .. 140 Barra-Gang, the Ganges.. .. . .. ... 65 Barreto, Francisco, Portuguese Governor, at
Chaul .. .. .. .. .. 103 n. barbers, as intermediaries in marriage cere
mony .. .. .. .. H.R., 24-26 Bathurst, Alderman, with R. Scattergood,
Sc., 13, 16 bats, origin of, in Nicobarese folk-tales. . .. 237 Batti Malv, Nicobarese islet, origin of, 236;
Little One .. .. .. .. .. 287 Bay of Bengal, configuration of, 33, 35, 37, 40, 68 beatithe, veiling .. .. .. .. So., 10 Behistan, inscription of Darius at .. .. 179 Belur inscriptions Benares, 66: cap. of Kasi, 68 ; sanctity of .. 72 Bencoolen, Sumatra, sickness of the Co's.
servants at .. .. .. .. .. 208 Bengal, formation of land in, 34; ancient places
in, 42, 65; Mid-Bengal, subsidence of, 40, 43; insalubrity of, 41 ; elevation of, 41, 43,
70. See Bay of. Borar, policy of Ahmadnagar towards, in the
reign of Husain Nizam Shah I, 76, 77 n., 103; in the reign of Murtaza Nizam Shah I, 196 -198, 205, 209 n., 229 n., 261n-264, 266,
278, 279, 280, 281 Bernier, on the Ganges ..
. 65 Betada, ancient name of .. .. . 67 betel nut, spathe of the, in Nicobarose folk
-ales .. .. .. 235 n., 236, 250 Bhadrakva, co., identification of .. 191, 192 Bhagfratha, in the Ganges legend, 9, 10, 12, 14,
37, 66, 67, 71, 192 Bhagirathi, a name of the Ganges, 9, 10 n., 11,
66, 67, 68, 70, 192 Bhakti, as the source of Vaishnaviem, 139;
culte, later . .. .. .. .. .. 242 Bballika, merchant, landing of .. .33 Bharadvaja, Rishi, hermitage of .. .. 13 Bharata, other names of .. 160, 191, 192 Bharoch. See Broach. Bhaskararavi Varma, k. of Kerala, 130; un
other of the namo .. .. .. .. 137 Bhavani, goddess, guide of Shivaji .. .. 161 Bhutattar, Alwar .. .. .. .. 139 Bibi Khunza Khanzada Humayun, w. of Hu.
sain Nizam Shah I., and m. of Murtza Nizam
Shah I, 196 n. gent, 196, 205—210, 229, 231 n. Bidar, connection of Ahmadnagar with, in the
reign of Husain Nizam Shah I., 101, 104 n., 141 ; in the reign of Murtaza Nigam Shah I,
261, 263, 279
Bijapur, connection with Ahmadnagar, in the
reign of Burhân Nizam Shah, I, 1, 2, 25, 28, 68; in the reign of Husain Nizâm Shah I., 76—79, 102, 104, 105, 143, 144; in the reign of Murtard Nixam Shah I, 196-198, 205 and 207, 209, 229, 230, 261, n., 262, 278, 279, 827; a portion of, conquered by Shivaji, 126, 130, 256 ; the soldiers of .. ..
. ..
.. .. 297 Bijbehara, village in Kashmir, rebirth, and
death of Laleshwari at . . 303, 312 Bindusarovara, in the Ganges legend, 9, 10, 12 birthdays. See days. Bishnapuri, a peak in Garwal .. .. .. 11 Bishop, Sir Cecil, dealings of R. Scattergood
with .. .. .. .. .. . 1, 5 Bissell, Thos., witness to the will of F. Scatter
good .. .. .. .. 'So., 5 bitch, the, as the ancestor of the Nicobarese, .. 235 blood feuds, in Shivaji's day .. .. 126—130 bocamortis, a note on the term.. .. .. 227 Boco Tigris, the Narrows of the Canton river
and of the Tigris .. .. .. .. 227 Boone, Mr., report on R. Scattergood by,
Sc., 16 Bowman, Max., E. I. Co's. servant, at Achin, Sc., 3 bracamarte, obsolete term, suggested connec.
tion of bocamortis with .. ... .. 227 Brahma, g. in Ganges legend .. .. .. 9 Brahmana, section of the Veda.. 185, 211, 219 Brahmandapurdņa, the, on the early home
of the Aryans .. .. .. 160, 161, 165 Brahmans, early worship of the Ganges by,
72; Colony of, in Ye-po-ti, 117 ; under Shivaji, 149, 259, 260 ; alleged ill-treatment of, 226, 253, 275; of the Hill States, polyandry
among Brahmapuri, a peak in Garwal .. .. 11 Brahmaputra, the, in the 2nd century, 39;
source of the ... .. .. .. 163, 164 Brahmavaivartta Purana the, on the Ganges,
11 ; on the Padma .. .. .. .. 06 Brihad-Dharmma Purdna, mention of Tri.
voni in'.. .. .. .. .. "13 11., 66 Bșihat-Náradiyuv"Purunu, on the position of
Gokara .. .. .. .. .. 10 Brihatsamhita, the, on the skupe of India .. 65 Broach, manufacture of bafia at .. Sc., 6, 8 Browne, Dr. (Sir) Thos., Shivaji's raid on Surat, by ..
.. .. 312, n. Bruce, reproduction of Orme's Fragmente,
by Buddha, gifts to, 33 ; legend of, 96 ; references
to . .. .. .. .. .. 158, 162