Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 352
________________ 340 INDEX .. .. .. 139 "Middle Country,' the, of Buddhist literature, 205--210, 220, 231 n.; affairs in Goloondul 121, 159, 161 and Bijapur in the reign of, 190-198, 205, Milki, mother of Hir. .. H.R., 14-17, 20, 21 1 206, 229-230; expedition against the Mimamia Doctrine of Works, the, 211–220, Franks, 232-234 ; Berar campaign of, 261240-246; the Vedas in, 211, 212, 246 : sacri. 268, 277–283; Husain Khan, favourite of, fice in, 212 ; personal deity in, 212; discussion general massacre ordered by .. .. 326, 327 on sacrifice, and on deity, 213; Tradition Murtaza Sayyid, Amir-ul-Umari, of Berar, con in, 214, 216, 218-220, 241 ; Popular Belief nection with Ahmadnagar, 207, 229, 234, 281 in, 214, 216, 218, 219, 241; Circumstantial Muscat, Maratha settlers in .. .. .. 300 Evidence in, 214, 215, 218, 219; Verbal Muztagh Ata, peak, suggested identification of, 192 Testimony in, 215, 219, 220; Direct Peroep. MyAxedf pagoda, at Myinkaba quadrilingual tion in, 215-219; the Sentence in, 216, n.; Inscription in, importance of .. 69-61 Herpress Reference in, 216; the Word in, Myinkaba. See Myêzêdi Pagode. 217: Doctrine of Works, 244, 245; a philoso phy of Action .. Mints, Maratha .. .. .. .. 254, 255 Mirka 'Abdul Qadir, s. of Burhan Nizam Shah 1. .. .. .. .. .. 73, 76 Nadia district, formation of, 34-37; possibly Mirta KbudAbanda, 8. of Burhån Nizam the Kambyson mouth of the Ganges, 40, 41 Shah L.. .. .. .. .. .. 26 N&disvara, identification of .. .. .. 10 Mirdin Muhammad Baqir, s. of Burhan Nizam | Nairs, Mother-right among the . .. 31 Shah I. .. .. .. .. 26, 27, 28, 76 n. Nakshatras, the, and Precession ... 44-48 Mirila Shah Haidar, s. of Burhan Nizam Shah nakshatras, number and divisions of .. .. 124 .. .. .. .. 25, 26, 29, 73, 76 Nam Alwar, date of Mir Sayed Al. See Shih Hamadan. Nanda Prayaga, sanctity of .. .. Mirza and Sahibån, in Legends of the Panjab, Vankauri, devil-scarers of H.R., 1, 2, 19 Narayana, at Karmavana, 12; legend of .. 66 Hogte silk, from Assam .. .. 64 Narayan Shah, of Mayurgiri, patron of Ru. Mo-heyen, dewert, crossed by Hstan-Tsang, drakavi .. . .. ... .. 179, 180 18, 22-24 NarAla, fort of Berar, 266, 268, 277, 279, 281 Mokoha, in the Vedanta system .. 170, 245 Nagik inscription, mention of Buidhist nuns in, 83 Mon Inscription, importance of the . .. 246 Nougaon, Hardoit district, mercoolaes from, Sc., % monuments, Muhammadan. See Muhammadan Navadvipa monuments. Nava-dvipa-Parikrama, the, ancient place Moon, the, in Nicobarese folktales, 249 ; and names in .. .. 36, n., 37, n. 41 the San .. .. .. .. 235, 253 Nazasarai, junction of the Damodar and the Moore, Moors-cloths, note on .. So., 9, 10 Bhagirathi .. .. .. .. 67, 08 Mooree of Surat .. .. .. .. 314 Nellore, cotton cloths made in .. .. So., O Mosos, Mr., E.L.Co.'s Attorney, connection Nepali, Specimens of, in tales of the Great War, with R. Scattergood.. .. ..Sc., 14-16 Mother-Right, Aryan .. .. . 31-33, Nepali language, notes on the .. 99, 100 Mountain ranges, of Jam budvipa ..160, 166, 181 Nicha Bat Family, marriage of Laleswari into 218, 191 the .. .. .. .. .. .. 303 Mughal Empire, decay of the, 62: origin of the, 247 Nicobar Islands, visited by Car Nico barese .. 287 Muhammadan Monuments of Egypt to A.D. night and time, synonyms, in Pali literature, 157 1517, A Brief Chronology of, by Captain Nile, Puranic accuracy on the subject of the, 119 K. A. C. Creswell, R.A.F. (Book notioe) .. 61 Nilopant . .. .. .. 129 Muhammadans and Hindus. Soo Hindus. Nirukta, the, Notes on .. .. .. 175—177 Mukta-Veni, signification of .. ... .. 13 Nirukia, the, on the Gods of the Veda . 213 Mulawarman, k. of Koetei, the Yupa Inscrip. Nisaya, co., position of .. .. .. .. 192 tion of .. .. .. .. .. 17 Nivåvari, poetess of the Big Veda .. .116 Metasi Nizam Shah I., 4, 28; marriage of, Nizam Shahf kings of Ahmednagar. Seo 144 ; accession of, 195, 190 : rogency of Bibf History of the Nizam Shahi kinge of Humza NAOZACA Humayin, 195 n., 196, Ahmadnagar. 84-92 AD.


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