Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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APRIL, 1921 ]
1680. It is resolved and ordered to entertain about 100 Topasses, or Black
Portuguese, into pay. Wheeler, Madras in the Olden Time, I, 121. (In
Hobson-Jobson.) 1681. The Dutch at Policat taking in all the Topasses and Peons they can get to serve
them. Pringle, Diary and Consultation Book of Fort St. George, p. 11. 1686. It is resolved as soon as English soldiers can be provided sufficient for the
garrison, that all Topasses be disbanded, and no more entertained, since there is little dependance on them. Wheeler, op. cit., p. 159. (In Hobson
Jobson.) 1695. Ordered that ... six soldiers Europeans, and six Topasses and
twenty Peons go for a guard with the present to the Nawab's camp).
Consultation at Fort St. George (Madras Records). 1697. You doe very well in lookeing after the concernes] of Manuell de Monte
deceased or any other Topasses. Letters from Fort St. George (Madras
Records). 1698. Pags: 44: 12: 2 expended att Fort St. David ... for charges on
30 Topaz souldiers and 8 slaves, which the ship (took] in there. Letters
from Fort St. George (Madras Records). c. 1699. The garrison [at Fort St. George) consists of no more than three Companies
of fourscore or a hundred men each, and one-third of these Topazes or Portuguese Indians, Salmon's description of Madras, quoted by Love,
Vestiges of Old Madras, II, 75. 1705. Topases, qui sont des gens du pays qu'on élève et qu'on habille à la Françoise,
lesquels ont esté instruits dans la Religion Catholique par quelques uns de nos Missionaires. Luillier, Voyage aux Grandes Indes, pp. 45-46. (In Hobson
Jobson.) 1711. The Garrison consists of about 250 Soldiers, at 91 Fanhams, or 11. 28. 9d. per
month, and 200 Topasses, or black Mungrel Portuguese, at 50, or 52
Fanhams per month. Lockyer, Trade in India, p. 14. (In Hobson-Jobson.) 1717. Midford and his. English Serjeant, Hill, were desperately wounded and made
prisoners, together with five Europeans and forty-seven Topasses ... The unfortunate Topasses who had their noses cut off were (afterwards, 22nd January 1718] formed into a company of marines, and had their pay augmented to Rs. 5 a month. In this odd way the Bombay Marine Battalion appears to have had its origin. Biddulph, Pirates of Malabar, pp. 93, 99. Expedition against Gheriah... Many of the casualties were caused by the bursting of a gun on board the Phram. The explosion fired the gun on the opposite side of the deck, which was loaded with grape, and pointing over
a boat full of Topasses. Biddulph, op. cit., p. 147. 1727. Some Portuguese [are) called Topasses.. i will be served by none but
Portuguese Prieste because they indulge them more in their villany. A
Hamilton, A new Account of the East Indies, ed. 1748, I. 326. 1740. Number of men thought necessary for the Gunroom Crew- 1 Gunner,
4 Gunner's Mates, 10 Quarter Gunners, 35 Europeans, 100 Topassos, 1 Syrang, 2 Tindalls, and 35 Lascars. Consultation at Fort St. George, 30th May. Love, Vestiges of Old Madras, II, 295.