Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[ APRIL, 1921
As to Mr. Dalal's identification of our author offshoot, viz., Mr. Dalal's theory that the three with the author of the Kavyalankarasdira, though Vámanas are identical, cannot be accepted so long there is no direct proof, there is no difficulty and as Iteing's reference to Kidila cannot be explained the date proposed suits well. But his identification away (as has been done with Mâgha's reference of the present Yamana with Vamana the to Nyisd in the verse anutsatrapadanyård). author of the Käsikd is not convincing. He has The editor has also pointed out '9 important overlooked the fact that Itsing (690 A. D.) is said to
geographical names mentioned in it, w.g., Varendra, have referred to the Kadika (Sir A. Stein, Notes
Tirabhakti &c. But he has omitted to remark on Pijataranyini IV. 497.) Hence, in spite of Dr.
that our author names (p. 18) Khalatikaparvata, Böhtling's Assent to the current Kashmirian tradition that Vamana, the minister of Jayapida, mentioned in the inscriptions of Asoka. is the author of Kabika, thia theory and its
STATES. 11 July 1682. Translate of a letter from our The following extract from p. 17 of the Annual Bramine Chendra Sheceriah (Brāhman agent, Report of the British Agent, Trengganu for 1918, is Chandra Sivdchariya) and Madana from Codaloore
are illuminating and interesting we vouching for the [Kadalur), to the Right Worshipfull William Gyfford
existence of a Muhammadan guru, perhaps from a
misunderstanding of the term guru. Eagr., Governor of Fort St. George. I am going to
"Death of Ungku Said. Porto Novo, the Toddy coloured, i..., brown] horse
457. Ungku Said of Paloh, head of the Trengganu is troubled with a paine in his breast and the Arab community and theological schools, died on Staggers, and the black horse is hipt (lame), for September 6th, a few hours after the arrival of which reason no body would ride upon him, and the Commission from Singapore. He age was they are both in a bad condition, concerning which reputed to be 100; his descendants (who include it may please your Worship to order as you shall great-great-grandchildren) certainly exceed that thinck fitt. (Records of Fort St. George, Letters to
number. Fort St. George, 1682, vol. II, p. 56.)
"For the last forty years Ungku Said possessed, R. C. T. throughout the length of the East Coast, the re
putation of Saint' with semi-miraculous powers 20. The Company's premises at Ouddalore.
(particularly in the healing of disease); his home 11 August 1682. Letter from Robert Freeman
was an object of pilgrimage for Muhammadans and Council at Ooralore [Cuddalore, Kddalar) to from Patani to Pahang; and his family acquired William Gyfford at Fort St George... We great wealth from the offerings of the pious. He Shall now give you & short account of the was religious teacher (Guru) to the late Sultan." Commodiousness of our house, which is the best in
R. C. T. Towne next Seir Cawnes [Sher Khan) but nowise fitt for our businesse, built by [ ? for ] an Idoly.
JAN BADSHAH-JIMMY BRADSHAW. troue Jentue [ Hindu ] house and fitt only to
The accompanying cutting from the Times;
June 2nd, 1919, discloses an excellent "Hobson. worship the Devil in. It has been for many years
Jobson " and reminds one of the Theobald and Tenented by batts, and pitty they should have
Sophia of the Third Burmese War (1885-1889) boon disturbed, for they have left such a amelling
which was the soldiers' rendering of Thibaw and savour behind them enough to (kill) Christians.
Suphayalat the names of the last king and queen The roomes are small and darke, and the doores of Burmah. low and narrow to(o) little to get a bale in, soe “PESHAWAR, May 20 (delayed).- The storm. that we must be forced to house the Companys petrel, Mullah Mir Sahib Jan Badshah, whom goods in the Bankesall Godownes (warehouses at the troops call Jimmy Bradshaw, has appeared the wharf), which will be noe small Charge, besides
at Bajaur, but was forced to leave. In 1915 the inconveniency; if we continue here, shall alter
he induced a combined force of Mohmands and it the best way we can to make it of some use,
Sawis to try and throw over the Government whiob will be chargable, though done with fruga
with disastrous results. He recer ly visited the
Mohmande, but the latter, who were busy dividing lity. .. .: (Records of Fort St. George,
curyo the loot obtained at Dakka, dismissed him.Letter to Fort St. George, 1682, vol. II, pp. 69-70). Reuter. R. O.T.