Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 146
________________ 136 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [ APRIL, 1921 The Sachiv should carefully look into the royal letters and make (necessary) correction of the contents, whenever there is a letter in excess or whenever a letter is omitted. He should serve in war, preserve the (newly) acquired Districts, and behav according to (our) orders. On royal letters and official documents) he should put his seal as a sign of his approval. (Seal) (item 1). The Pandit Rav should have jurisdiction over all religious questions. He should punish all offences) after judging what is right and what is wrong. He should put his sign of approval on all papers relating to custom, ( ar) conduct, (TR) and penanoo (yrarga). He should receive Scholars of reputation. He should perform, when occasion arises, charity (OTA) and Shanti (performances to appease offended deities ) and celebrate other religious performance. (Seal) (item 1).11 The Nyayadhish should have jurisdiction over all suits in the kingdom and try them righteously. After finding out what is right and what is wrong, on the judgment paper, he should put his sign of approval. (Seal) (item 1). (To be continued.) MISCELLANEA. THE DATE OF SARVAJNATMA AND is in North Travancore near Kaladi the birthSANKARÂCHÂRYA. place of Sankarachdrya. The occurrence of the In Vol. XLIII of this Journal there is a note on name Manukuladityan as the personal name of Sarvaj lidtma by Mr. Venkatesvaran, wherein a ruler of the district wheroin the great AchArva he indentifies the Manukuldditya mentioned by was born and the fact that the principal Matha the former in his work Samkahepaidririka with prika with of his sect is in Sringeri in the west, make one Aditya I, the Chola king, after refuting Mr. D. R. doubt the correctness of splitting up the name and Bhandarkar's identification of the same with the interpreting it as Aditya of the Manu family, and Chalukya Vimaldditya. Herein, he makes Aditya thus ldentifying him with a king of the East the personal name of the king and not the compo- Coast. As regards the objection that the verse nent part of a compound name. But we meet with of Sarvajnama depicte Manukulddityan as a powerthe name Manukulddityan in a Travancore inscrip ful sovereign, as commanding the world, it tion. There is a Vatteshuttu inscription from may be suggested that a petty king might loom Tirumulikkulam dated the year opposite to the large in the eyes of his subjects, and also that such 48th year of king Bhdakararavi Varman, a king of adulatory epitheta are not uncommon in Indian Kerala, which is published in the Travancore poetical works. Archeological Series, Vol. II, pt. 1, pp. 45-46. Now, as to the date of Sarvajalaman and Manu. In it there is mentioned a grant of some Cherikal kulddityan, the following facts may offer some lands (lands on the slopes of hills) by a king solution. From the astronomical data furnished named Manukulidityan, and the inscription by a copper plate of one Bhaskararavi varma, dated deals with the resolution of the townsmen of 2nd+6th+35th year of the reign, Dewan BahaTirumulikkulam regarding their management. dur Swamikannu Pillai has fixed his accession at From the terms of the inscription it would appear 978 A.D. But there are others with the same name that the grant had been made some time before but with single dates (Vide Travancore Archaeothe date of the inscription. Now Tirumulikkulam logical Series, vol. II, pt. II), and Mr Pillai suggests 41 The late justice Telang summarised the duties of the Pandit-Rav in the following manner :“It states that the Pandit-Rav's duties are to exercise all the ecclesiastical powers of the State, and to order punishment to be inflicted after investigating into what is and is not in accordance with religious law. Ho is to receive learned persons on behalf of the state and countersign all documents that may be issued from the sovereign relating to Achara, Vyavahara, and Prayaschitta, that is to say rules of conduct, civil and criminal law, and penances, the three branches of Dharmashastra. He is also to look after the formance Chantis and other ceremonials, and the distribution of royal bounty." (R.M.P.), p. 261.


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