Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 116
________________ 106 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [APRIL, 1906. 34. Prahu Penggalah (a river boat of Kelantan type propelled by from four to six quanters). - The quanting poles, when out of use, are slung under the eaves of the deck-house, which is very low and entirely unprovided with Windows. The quanters stand in pairs on the outrigged staging over the bows, and when the first pair have planted their poles, they walk rapidly down towards the door of the deck-house, pushing hard as they go. Immediately behind them come the second pair, and behind them come the third ; each pair, as they come to the end of their walk, lifting the poles over the heads of the succeeding pairs and returning to the fore-end of the staging referred to. Length of this model about 19 in. 35. Prahu Polet (Eng. pilot). -A thorough-going Malay as regards hull, with a low-cut imitation of an European gig's dipping lag, with the addition of the usual Malay boom and the vang to the yard. These vangs are always necessary, owing to the sails not being of sufficiently stout material to carry a stout luff-rope, by which the sail can be set up tant to stand on a wind. 36. Prabu Jolong-jolong (Long-beaked boat), from her cut-away fore-foot and clipper stem. She has the galleries shared by most of the large-decked Malay boats. The rigging of the model is, as will be seen, somewhat faulty, but is sufficient to show that the ordinary two lug of the penjajap and her sisters is used. 37. Prahu Tambang (Passenger or Ferry boat). - Has the bows prolonged into a sharp beak, mast and shoulder-of-mutton sail, outrigged seat for the steersman and washboards astern. The steersman's seat is called Teetam kemudi, lit., radder-crab, from a supposed resemblance between its shape and that of a crab. The rudder is hung European fashion. The length of this model is 20 in. 38. Salah-salah. A large three-master, being fore and aft rigged on two masts, with yard or peruan (square or lugsail) on the third. Built of kelidang. Dimensions28 - 240 ft. by 30 ft. by 15 ft. ; 5 ft. freeboard; capacity, 30 koy; crew of 20; length of mainmast, 80 ft. 39. Skonar (? schooner). - Built of jati: dimensions, 180 ft. by 26 ft. by 12 ft. ; 4 ft. freeboard; capacity, 40 koy; crew of 10. Described as being rigged on fore and mainmasts with yards, and the third mast with gusi sail (mizzen or fore-and-aft sail). It would appear that the two forward masts either carry lugsails or square yards. The mizzen would be a fore-and-aft sail. This might be a barque-rigged or Chinese-rigged vessel. 40. S'kuchi or skoohi.29 - A two-masted trader. Dimensions, 50 ft. by 15 ft. by 7 ft.; 3 ft. free board ; capacity, 10 koy; crew of 8; length of mainmast, 40 ft.; lugsails of screw palm-leaf, of the usual type. (Plate III., fig. 8.) 41. Tongkang Malayu (Malay Lighter). - This ketch-rig is now much used in the cargo lighters of Singapore, and is a handy one for a small crew, working about a crowded anchorage liable to sharp squalls. Mainsail and mizzen are set by an outhaul along the gaff, and are easily and rapidly taken in by being brailed to the mast. Many of these boats may be seen any day working in Singapore roads. There is also a class of lighter in Singapore rigged with a big flat-headed lugsail, somewhat like similar lighters at Rangoon. They are big powerful boats, well suited to their work. The rig is handy for going alongside ships, as involving very little gear. 42. Top or Tob.- A two-master, built of gian wood. Dimensions, 90 ft. by 18 ft. 8 ft.; 4 ft. freeboard; capacity, 15 koy; crew of 8 ; length of mainmast, 60 ft. Probably a fore-and-aft schooner-rigged vessel, being described as having the gusi sail. Bat if the name means " mizzen," the rig is left open. 43. Tunku Kudin's Barge (Kedah pattern), called Kempeng or Ketiap Kedah. 44. Wilmana (from the name of a fabulous bird), an obsolete type of State-boat, formerly used by Selangor Rajas. The particular boat from which this model was copied belonged to one Ungku Alang. - A river boat propelled by sweeps, and fitted with an awning for the crew, as well as for the passengers. It has outrigged galleries fore and aft, and carries a flag and royal gong. The length of this model is 82 ins. * Probably over-all length to end of dandans or galleries » Klinkert says: from Dutch schuitke, used for any small saili..g boats of European rig.


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