Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 157
________________ Max, 1906.] THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOHN CAMPBELL). 189 The Devell said, lay by yor Evengell, but we continewed. The Ld Cawn sat in ye Midle of vs. Out comes a Devell and hawled him from vs 4 or 5 tymes his lenth. Mr White steps out & lay hold of him and demanded for why they did that. In comes a huge ill shapt Monster and said, will not this fellow ye Ld. Cawn let vs a lone, but must show ya this tresure; he shall never haue it, and vannisht. Then did y greate Devell command him to be brought in Irons, the coniurers haveing first don somewhat. This ill shapt Devell had remoued y tresure, but said, set me at liberty & I will bring it againe. This ill shapt monster had been slaue to y Ld Caws grandfather who buried ye tresure & se it buried; Soe ye Lds Grandfather kild him to prent discoverey, woh this devell gave vs ye full relation of. He brought it againe. And ye next day went a slave of Mr Roches & informd ye Emp! Oram Zebb what she had seene, for all the howse saw plã [plainly] what was don. This brought vs all into great troble, But wth great bribes we accquitted our selves. They weere given to yo Ministers of state, And wthall purchased vs liberty for future to doe what we pleased in the howse. I, John Cambell, goeing home to my owne howse, a horsman mett me in ye way & told me, yu must goe noe more to Old Dilley [Delhi]; But what yor share is yu shall haue. That night Mr Roch & ye Ld. Cawn was throwne ouer the wall out of the howse & a little brewsed. Mr White Questioned ye great Devell who he was. He sd, I am Mortezalle [i. e., 'Ali, also known as Murtaza 'Ali], sonn in Law to Mahomett, & governs this part of ye world; wth that he rose and wth all y rest vanuisht, but left ye ground rased on wch stood ye Cannopy state. Mr White & y Coniurers weere taken in a sound [swoon]. When they came to their selfs, theire was some thing they Dugg for laid at theire heads, vizt., An Image of gold wth 3 pretious Chaines to it, y Image as Bigg as a sheepe. This was kept privat 8 mo. Dureinge the tyme Mortezalle sat in state, woh was 3 or 4 howers, he askt Mr Roch, what haue yu to doe heere. Mr Roch replied, I haue given money for this place. Sa yo Devell, let it a lone & we will give yu yor money againe & 3 tymes more. 8 Mr Roch & Mr White's replied, we will haue all or none. Sa yo Devell, you may thank Esay [Isa] woh is Christ, & yor vengell [Evangel], wch is ye bible. Wee cannot hinder you from it now, you beinge Xpians, But yu shall pay deere for it, if ya will haue it, wch proved trew, as before is mentioned by ye slaves information to Oram Zebb. Take, ad ye Devell, yor vengell from that Gollum [ghulam], meaneinge ye Ld. Cawn, for we caused him keepe a bible in his hard, (Gollum signifies slave), And we shall be sure of him, for Certainly they woud [have] carried him a way alive, for they declared they had power over him, but that he kept Close to ye Bible wth some directions we gaue him. Sa yo Devell, yu are sarvis & of seuerall professions, why doe yu not follow yor pfessions: what haue ya to doe to Cast Guns heere; get ya to yor owne Contrey. Then caime one from yo great Devell weh Mr Roch was talking wth, and struck vp his heeles, wch put him into a sound [swoon], and as he fell, he cried, god help me. Så ye Devell, god is neere. When Mr Roch cald y ill shsp Devell, Devell, he replied, I am noe Devell, iut Cotte [jhut kahta], ya lie, for I was murdered for this money, And if yu will take away yor Cattabb [kitab, book], weh is ye bible, from this Gollum [ghulam], ye Ld Jefferey Cawn, yu shall haue y desire. 46 Mr. Irvine tells me that Manucci mentions in Delhi an "English renegade named João Witt who had married a Muhammadan woman." If João Witt and John White are identical, the incident here described must have happened before White renounced his religion.


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