Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 159
________________ MAY, 1906.] THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOHN CAMPBELL). The Ld Cawn replied, noe marrackle ever Mahomett or his Lawes did, like ye evengell wch he had made proofe of. Sa the Casa ya wilbe a Coffer [kafir, unbeliever], wch is Heathen. Sd ye Ld, then I must give Accompt to Hodah [Khuda], vizt. God. Att last they weere both Cleered. 141 Mad Mortazelle, in yo discorse before, told them he lived not by bread, or his Army, or weere vizable at all tymes, But Sd theirs a day we must appeare. These Spirritts or Devells haue noe paine; they Delight much in Gardens, in Jewells & Gold, And when they weere forst to lett ye Ld Cawn haue ye Tresure he Diggd for, they Caused ye Brammonist [Brahman] to make an agreemt, wth Consent of his ptners, to repaire the ruins they made in Digging in the howse in Old Dilly, And to make a faire Garden wthin Such a tyme, or elce he should never enioy quiet; this is pforminge Att this day, año 1668. As for ye tresure got, it was greate, & more is lookt for. This Mortazelle Sd, we haue power to destroy all but those weh belonge to Esay48 & ye Evengell, vizt. Christ, & ye Gospell or scriptures. We medle wth none of yu; why do yu give yo vengell to anie of or people to hinder or revenge on them. Mr White Answered, we are bound by Esay y" tell vs of, to doe it, and ye word of God is open & free to all men yt will receive it. Wth that he grew in a fewrey, but at last becaime calme, And said, we haue noe more liberty then God gives vs, As Esay is yor profett, Soe haue wee beene pfetts to these men, weh makes vs now goe like wanderinge spirritts. Sa Mr White, when you weere on earth vizable, why did you not mind those things. Wee, said ye Devell, hane hopes of rest for or now wanderinge, Hatter Gouna [lihtar günā], because wee may mend. All this while wee stood wth of Bibles in our hands. Sd ye Devell, put away yor Evengell. Mr White replied, noe, its our Belefe. S4 ye spirritt, its good for you you haue it, but still we are bound to tempt you. Sd Mr White, Dower Sitan [dur, Shaitan], weh is, avoyd Satan. I am Sad he, noe Devell. Then showed all the Sarvts themselves in terrable shapes, some Lyons, some tygers and seüall Monsters, But we were not abitt amazed. Oh hum deights to'mor'ror' ra dust hey [ab ham dekhta tumhārā rāḥ durust hai], Sa ye Devell, Now I see yor way is right. Wth that he & his Crew vannisht. Two howers after comes in a great Sarpent, ye Cull of gold; ye Minister & wee went to prayer; ye Sarpent tooke on his belly a turne or two on ye Carpett & vannisht. That night M White fell sick & vomitted blood and went vp & downe stampinge & could not speake for 3 howers. It pleased god he went to ye bible and desired yo Minister to turne to and led his hand to it, for we weere all then affrighted. When ye Minister had red 4 lines, Mr White spooke & Sa, O Lord What haue I don, I will never more discorse wth Spirits. 49 For 3 days after this he was sick, but to him nor anie of vs did ye Devell appeare ever after. They then went to ye Ld Cawn who owned ye howse & said, go & give yo Christains that booke thou hast, And we will give the wt riches thou demandest of vs. The Ld replied I fynd theire way trewth and yu all deceivers, And if I should do it yu would teare me to peeces. He, ye Ld, caime next day & told vs what had hapned. Mr White S4, if he appeares againe, give him this answer to resolve ya whether hee can doe more for yu then the vengell hath don. This was the last thinge after ye Ld was baptized yt hapned, vizt. The Devell caime to ye La, & ye Ld gave him ye Question above mentiond. The Devell replied, for Riches and welth I will assure the enough; what follows I cannot tell. The La replied, I have got riches & will more in spight of yu by ye helpe of that I beleive in. It is possible from the form which the author has adopted for the Arabie 'Isa, that he is mixing up the name Isa, Christ, with 'Isai, Christian. 49 Hiatus in original.


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