Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 430
________________ 380 Srikshatra, for Prome 211 284 242 f. Sringeri matt or monastery Sri Ragunath, mantra of Sri Ram Chandarji incarnation of Vishnu... 244 Srirangam, home of Tirumangai Alvår, 229-231 ... temple Srisaili or Karnal, co., and Dantidurga II.... 232 Sri Singh of Chamba 152 36 f. ... See, tribe, and Sogdiana Steenbrugge, W. Flanders, finds of miniature implements at Sthânvisvara, Sk. for Thânêsar, 125; Sthânviç www vara www Sthaviravâda monks stong-pon, inscriptions in Tibet Stow-on-the-Wold in Yorkshire, Saspola Suan, riv., in N.-E. India Suât, and the Sakas ... ... www www ... ... ... miniature implements at Strabo mentioned the Kshudrakas stúpas, in Khalatse, 239; or chaityas, at 325, 328 45 40 211 www ... 126 ... 298 325, 327 f. finds of ... ... ... Subhuti, Burmese Buddhist monk ... Succession, disputed case in the Chamba State, 152; custom among the Sikh Chiefs in the Pañjâb, 253; customary law regarding it in the ruling families of the Panjab Hill States 233, 291 13 f. 50 ... ... ... ... Suci-rasa (Çuci-rasa), a rishi Sudarshana, Vishnu's bow Buddyah, in Upper Assam, and inscribed stone finds 276, 280 sudhasindhu, ocean of nectar 269 Suei, Souei, Chinese dynasty 12, 23 Suggala Devi, wife of Kuvara Lakshamana... 130 Suka, author of Puranic fame 259 Sukanya, character in a Telugu Vaishnava tale Sung (Soung) kingdom Sün-sien, cap. of Ki-pin Surasêna, in the Maharashtra Co. Saratissa, k. of Ceylon... Surjan, character in the Gagå legend. Surpakarṇa, title of Ganesh 21. INDEX. 190 ... 190 335 * ... ... sumbreiro, summerre, an umbrella Sumda, Buddhist monastery, in Phyiling, W. Tibet Sumeru, Ri-dbang-lhunpo, mt. in Tibet Sundaramurti Nâyanâr, probably contemporary with Tirumangai Ålvår Sukracharya, guru to the giant Bali Chakra ... varti Sulamani temple, Pagân Sulimânî, Shaw Sollyman, k. of Persia. 137 and n. Sultan Azam, son of Aurangzeb, 135 and n., 177 n. Sumatra 97, 102 138 51 59 294 330 333 ... 233 22 37 56 ... 162 ... 152 63 Surratt, tn. 132 Suśruta, Sanskrit author Susunâga, k. of India Sutlej, riv. 231 160, 162 19 5 264 52 f., 59, 130 svastik, svastika or gammadion, 118 and n.; 274 f. Swagie, Sivaji 132 f., 140, 170 343, 353 192 Svadhishthana, 3rd chakra Svarga, heaven of Indra Swarn, caste of Bâlâ Shah Sweden and the use of flints Swêmi, Hnamâdaw Taunggyishin, Burmese Nat 218, 222 Swiss lake dwellings 190 and n. Symbolism of the Savitri-Vrata, by B. A. Gupta 116 ff. 33 ff. Szu, Su, etc., for the Sök, q. v. ... ... ta, Devanagari letter tabak, tray Tabin Shwêdi, Burmese Nat tadan, an armlet... 290, 311 117 217, 223 94 Tâdundat, vil., Kazunnain in Hanthawadi 219 Tagaung, in Burma, scene of Chinese Buddhist missionary work ... ...212; 218 f. Ta-Hia, Bactria, conquered by the Ta-Yue-chi, 34; 38; 44 ...130 94 17 ... ... ... ... Tailappa, ruler of Banâvase takhtián, a necklet Takla-makan, desert Takshasila, Taksaçila, or Tö-tch'a-chi-lo, 17; Taksasila, perhaps Takshasilâ, 37; inscription in a pagoda at... tala-patra, leaf of the toddy-palm and the derivation of talapoin' 267 142. 4 Tale of Human Sacrifice Tales of The Telugu Vaishnavas, by Mrs. I. J. Pitt 48 f. Talapoin, talipoie, &c., and talagrepo, Buddhist ecclesiastic... Talapois, priests... ... 267 292 tâmare, thamare, lotus, a tattoo mark ... 269 Tambâlas, people about Madurâ, and tattooing. Tambapanni, Lanka tambólnéundrá, Chuhrâ marriage gifts támbya, water-vessel - ... 269 156 90 ... 117 Tâmralipti, port on the E. coast of India... 21 Tanguts, Mongol tribe, and Kanishka 42, 46 Tanjore District, and Tirumangai Ålvâr 229 Tanka (P) kingdom and Dantidurga II. ... 232 Tânnet, k. of Pagân, or Tibyusaung, Burmese Nat ... ... 39 ... 225 Tannis, Tochi Valley tribe ... 122 T'an-tou, cap. of An-si... Tantric literature, 255; or Agama, and Hindu hieroglyphics, 258 f.; probable date of texts ... ... ... ... 44


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