Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 225
________________ 205 JULY, 1906.] THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOHN CAMPBELL). knowes much; theires none of my Contrey knowes soe much. Be not afferd; come to me & kiss my foote. This don, he psented me with 100 Moores [mohars] gold and told his Lords, haue a care of this man. He calls his Gunn' to him & ye Cheife. He sd to him, are not yow ashamed that my slaue[s] flaue should doe better things then you can doe. Ham' bul gaa [ham bhul gaya], Sa yo Gunn', I am old & haue forgott. Said the Emperor, theirs 4 Guns of his ladeinge. Take 2 of them and shoot one at the sheete, And if thou dost not hit it wth that, nor the Ollyfant wth the other, thou shalt be shot out of the Gunn ffor its a shame a traveller should teach vs anie thinge in our Contrey, I beinge soe great an Emperror. The Gunner shott 2 shotts, but neither of them could be seene where they went, tho serch was mad by 100ds. The Emperror cald me to him and sd, is ye vo Gunns laden. Yes, st I. Lash, Sd he, this man to ye Mouth of one of them. I told him it was not my profetion wth out I was forst. Sd ye Emp, wee forse none, we haue men enough to doe it, but, sa he, you will fyer y Gunn. I replied, not without I am forst. Then cald ye Empr one of his Lds & commanded the Gunners sonn to be brought. He caime & sd, I am willinge to doe yr Command, but am affraid to goe neare the Gunn. The Emperror askt me if I could not make some thing yt he might stand at a distance, weh I did by a traine. The sonn fyred the Gunn, the father shot so in peeces as a bone of him was not to be found. This beinge late, y Emperror went to Court, & next morning comd [commanded] me to him. When I was come, Sa he, Toen' cob' cam geere [tum khub kam kia], Thou hast don verry good service. M da They had noe poother till I made it. The Emperror desired me show him the vse of the little Gunns cald ye Mortar, weh I did ye next morninge; & I caused Elleauen barrells of pc other to be put into a little tower, weh tower I told the Emperror I would blow vp 700 paces from. it. His answer was, its not possible. I sd he should see. The Emperror callinge all his nobles 2 days after, a multitude of people came besides. I had then all things redy, Advized the Emperror to retire to a hill at a distance. He s he would stand by me, But pvaled wth him to retire, But his 2d soun said he would. I giveing fyer to my fuse wch was in my hand, ye Emperrors sonn run away. I fyred my shell, And 20 Minuts after my touch hole of my Morter, weh gave a great report & of a Suddan fell into ye topp of yo tower & ye shell split wthin yo tower among ye 11 Barrells of poother. Some of ye Nooble[s], standinge 1100 paces of, for 2 howers weere deafe with ye report it gaue. Immediately y Empr sent his Nobles to se if [I] weere not deade, And if alive to call me to him. When I caime to him, he rose vp & sd, ask a gift. I told him my desire was leave to Travell throw his Contrey. If it be, Sd he, to thy owne, its but a folly; I will not part wth the. He beinge an Emperror, I durst say noe more. He gaue me An Ollyfant & said what estate yu demand it shalbe giuen. I said I was A traveller & what could I doe wth an estate. He replied, he would take of those lingeringes and Content my Minde & soe returned to Court, giveinge his Lds command to take care I wanted not what I desired. At 8 Clock At night I was sent for & feasted plentifully wth all sorts of drinks & meats & other greate temtations, a [s] Musick, dansinge weomen & singinge & sports; yet I was Mallancholly, wch yo Emperror Observed. When ye Emperror rose to goe into the Maull [maḥal] or privey Chamber, I returned to my Lodgeings, But noe sooner theire, But a grt Ld wth dansinge Weomen & Musique & 2 Ladys wch ye Emperror psented to me to Chuse weh I liked for a wife. I Askt y Old L, who I esteemed my freind, wtt it ment. Hee answerd, it was to make me a great man, yo Emperror delighting in y". I wept,& told him my desire was for my Contrey, And yt my father


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