Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 417
________________ INDEX. 367 ... 116 Chang ki'en's report, 44; and Kanishka, issat, estimation of others, Pañjabi ... 46; conquered by the Kushånas, 47; the Jabgu princes, the Hi-Hou ... ... 40, 45 f. care of monumente in, 126; and sati, 129; jád namda, Chubså funeral gift ... ... 310 and the travels of Richard Bell, 131 ff.; Jafar Khan, Lord Jeffer Cawna, minister 168 ff., 203 ff.; Northern folktales, 142 ff., under Aurangzeb ... 137 n., 138 n., 139, 140 n. 179 ff.; 212 ff.; Pygmy flints, 185 ff.; visited jágú, a whole night's worship ... ... 248 f. by Chinese monks, 211; under the Pallavas Jagannath, Joggernat, image ... ... 171, 298 and the Cholae, 230--232; and the Deva Jagra of Mabisa, a festival .. ... 252 nagart alphabet, 253 , 270 ff., 311 ff.; Jahånd båd. John a Badd, Delhi... 132, 135, 173 invaded by the Hungs .... ... 297 and n. Jahangir, Emp.... 134 n., 136 n., 137 and n. Indian missionaries in Barma... ... ... 212 Jahve .. ... .. ... ... ... 203 Indian "Half-Heads," by H. A. Rose ... 213 Jaine and sallakhana, q.. ... ... ... 129 Indo-Chinese method of boat-building among Jaipur Observatory and its Builder, by the Malays ... ... ... ... ... 101 Lieut. A. ff. Garrett, R. E., and Pandit Indo-Parthian8 .. . . . ... .. 39 £. Chandradbar Galeri, notice of ... ... 234 Indo-Scythian period and the Kharoshtri, 1; Jai Singh, Raja ... ... ... ... ... 132 conquest of India ... .. .. ... 36 | Jaitak, in the Pañjab, Shirigul temple at ... 250 Indra, g., in Telugu Vaishnava tales, 62 f., jalahrf, water-vesael . .. ... ... 247 58 1.; 110 n.; or Sakka, 155; 202; 242 n.; 247 JalalAbad, tn. ... ... 45 Indradyamna, Tamil k.... ... .. .... 48 jaldson, idol, of Mahası set up in water ... 252 Indrani, represented by hieroglyphics ... 282 jalindraphül, a design ... .. .. .. 118 Indus, riv., 37 and 2., 44, 318; the bridges Jama, Yama, g. ... ... .. 237-239; 325, 329 Jambudvipa, co, 21, 41, 46; or Jambudvipa, Industian, Hindustan ... ... ... ... 133 157, 167 inhumation, an ancient practice in India ...194 2. Jambu-ki-Dhar, peak near Jambu, in the Inscriptions, in the Kangra Valley, 19; of Paljab ... ... ... ... ... 242 n. the Salotgi pillar, 21; in Bhopal, 47; Rock Jambulus, a traveller ... ... ... ... 314 inscriptions at Mulbe, 72 ff. ; recording Jambupaidus, reign of the Jammu kings in self-immolation, 129; of the Achæmenides, Mulba ... ... .. . ... 72 197 n.; of Rajaraja II., 230; at Khalatae, JÁmdaggen Risht ... ... ... 242 and n. 237 ff.; the Allahabad, 260; on Vaasudeva's Jamdagganji, father of the Paras Ramjf incoins, 276; in 'the Yat-bauk Temple, carnation of Vishņu ... .. ... ... 244 Pagan, 293, 294 ; at Anuradhapura, 296 f.; aJam-dbyange, Ladákbik. ... 299; at Saspola, 325 ff.; at Alobi-mkhar Jammu, in the Pañjáb, 72; and the title Gog, 829; in the Sarada character, 330; in Deo ... ... modern Tibetan dBa-med character ...331 f. Jamnå, riv. ... ... ... 50 Iranian Religion, by Dr. O. P. Tiele-contd. J&mnå, Shirigul temple at from Vol. XXXIV. p. 66 ... ... 196 ff. i jandza, Chuhra funeral rite ... ... 310 Iråvati, Råvi, riv. .. ... ... ... 17 janeo, Brahmanical cord .. ... 181 iron peroxide, hæmatite, in Vindhyan cave Japan ... ... ... ... ... 118 11. paintings ... ... ... ... 187, 194 jasper flakes in the Vindhyas ... ... '185 {. Irrawaddy Valley, Upper, professed the Jaswal RajAs of Amb use the title of Chand. 324 MahAyanist School of Buddhism in the jati, teakwood, used in Malay boat-building, 11th century A. D. ... ... 212, 218 1.; 293 103, 105-107, 109 8. Bay, Christ . .. .. .. 139, 141 n. Java .. . Is&, brother of Mus& Nikka ... ... ... 124 Jazartes, riv. ... ... ... ... ... 36 ISA Kbel Kabul Khêls, a Kurram sept ... 122 Jayabhata I., Gurjjara k. ... ... ... 125 Leis g. ... ... ... ... ... ... 118 Jayasingh's (Sawai) observatories ... 234 Islam Khan Rami, title of Husain Pabl... 168 n. Jaypur State, pygmy fint finds ... 185 n. Ispahan, tn, 136 n.; Ispawhawne ...137; 168 n. Jen-kia-lan or Sha-lo-kis, a monastery... 41 f. Issi-kul, Turkish name of Lake Lop-nur... 11, 36 Jeram, fishing village in Selangor ... 103 n. Isurumuniya Rock Temple, Ceylon ... ... 297 Jesaon, Mr Wm., mentioned in Factory I-tan, Yue-ta, & tribe ... ... . .. 34 Records ... ... ... ... ... 171 n I'tsing, Chinese traveller, 2; 41; mentioned Jatavana Vihara and Stopa ... ... 298 ... ... ... ... 211 Jh&e, Ohubså subdivision ... ... ... 82 1.te'un. Ta Ynë-chi, ambassador to China 44 jhard, sweeping away ... ... 355 ... 80 ... 249 .. 128


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