[JULY, 1905.
My answer was, may I speak wth boldnesse, my Kinge is not to be carried but Rides on horss back to Charge his enemie. Yee' Cotta a' mar' ra go' lam soupa' hs (Yeh kahta hamārā ghulām sipahi hai). $ye Emperor, My Slaue is a noble Soldier, Hodah a' ca' la Khuda ta'ala), God blesse him. Too Ruxud ha [7'rukhsat hai), you have leane to goe, pan' oh' ada [nam--Khuda), Goe in the Naime of God.
That day, about 3 Clock in the after noon, I tooke my leave: 6 Engl mile 4 of his Lds conveyed me or accompanied me. Wee caime to a garden. They, haueinge brought Wine & store of
itions, Wyne past freely & merry wee weere, And in my wyne tempted me ernestly to returne, Saying, The Emperor is vext at you, you hadd be ter goe back. Sú my Old Ld & freind, whome I pray god blesse, these are On setters. I sd noe thing, But next morning, being Sunday, they staying all night, I tooke Leaue, And went towards a great Citty, Cald Car'ra'pa'. Wheere ever I cnime, theire was not ought to pay. Att this Citty, Car'ra'pa [Kadapa, Cuddapah), weh is 250 Leagues from pau'layan the Emperrors Court, They sent me out a tent, for its not the Custome of that Contrey for strangers to enter their towne.
The Governer, after pritions was sent me, caime out to se my pass, haueing first herd wtt I had don at Cort, demandud of me wtt Nouells [news] I had seene in my travells. I answerd, None.
From Car'ra'pan [Cuddapah] to Grun'ca'nda' (Golconda) is 470 Leagues. Its a great Citty & wth much troble I past it, being on the borders of ye Contrey. When I caime, the Governer of it demanded my passe, wch I showed him. Sa he, ye Emperor is Emperrer where you bad this pass, And I am kinge heere. You must give me Aces of yor Travells; Tomorrow kow' she' ha' sbom' man ra' se ham ra' se hau' tumhārā khushi hai so main rūzi ham rāzi hon] yt is, yor wilde don. We, Sa he, haue an ord from ye Emperrer to stop you heere. I replied, I haue don service for yo Emperror. Sd he, I haue Order to put you in preson, And thinke not yo worss of me for obayinge my Maister. Ho'da' ca was tom such cau [Khuda ke wartë tum sach kaho), yt is, Will you say yo will come hether againe. I gd yes, if I haue life & helth. Is wast tomorrora raxud ley [is waste tumhārā rukhsat le], Becanse of this you have yor leaue. I was not puitted to come into his fort or Citty, but he put out a tent. On a fryday morning early, being ye 26 May 1668, When I caime, Sd he, hath my Prince del[t] nobly wth you. Ans: yes. Sa ho, I had an order to stopp you wth civillity, but not by forsse. This Gouerner had herd what I had don at Cort, prided me a banquet to tempt me, and after showed me some sport verry terrable for me to see.
A propper man as ever I saw, wth his eies in his neck, his face as I, only wthout eies. What thinke you of this. I sd it was not of man but of god, an Example. Sa he, is god in yor Contrey. Yes, Sa I, theirs but one god. She, What merrackle hath yo god don or showne yo!, I Answerd, many. Sa he, does yok god speak to you. Sa I, o god does not speak to vs, but hath sent his son to instruckt vs, And others his Appostles, & hath left vs a written word wol weo beleive in. Sd he, I think you are a Generation of God, for of god tells vs no such things.
The Casa (qazi), vizt, high preist, & the Govdid consider of wt I had said, And said, I pray god lead vs ye right way, for god hath raised vs vp an instrum to teach vs ye right way; &, Sd ye Casa, who doe you tak to be yor Saviour. I said, Is' sa'ra' soul la' law' Isā ar-rasulullah], Jesus Christ. Sd they, Is' vo'ccatt han' but' cat' te is waqt ham bahut kahte , he is not yet come.
When I had don speaking these words, In caime One wth two heads, at wch I was amazed, & askt what he was. Sd they, be not affraid. This is a man borne of a weoman as you weere & No Devell; yet I was terrefyed. The Casa (qazi] & Gouerner, takeing notis of my feare, commanded the Man away. He gon, they said, haue you seene anie such thinge in yo? Contrey. I s4, noe.
[" Tempters, see ante, note 99, p. 207.]