Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 389
________________ DECEMBER, 1906.) THE CHUHRAS. 339 Bullé dé nalon chullah jé changérd, The hearth is better than Bulla, Jéhdé utté ta'm pakdidá. For food is cooked on it. Bande ndon gadhá changéra, An ass is better than a man, sadhé tin man bhdr uthaida. It carries a load of 3 maunds. Véhi dé né ddhdé Rabb de, God's angel of death comes, Banda duniya tôn pakas mangarda. And man is called away from the world. Pani lédriyo thand vanida, Bring cold water, Banda gafl jho nahwaida. The sleeping man must be washed clean. Khapphan ledviyo ginati, Bring a rich shroud, Bandé dé ang lagdidá His body is wrapped in it. Chaún janéán tainúi chukiya, yará. Four youths have lifted you, friend. Majilo majil palucháídá. You are being carried to the grave stage by stage. Pahli majil adhkaré adhvátté. The first stage is half-way. Duiji sámí pds lakáida. In the second you are placed by the grave. Sir da band kholo bandé da. Loose his bead-band.. Irunun apnd ghar dikhaida. He is shown bis own house. Oh ghar térd jhuth dá, banded: That house was not your real one, my friend : Ih saché ghar bitháida. This is your real one where you are now put. Nikkiak nikkidi dhimán chunké, Choosing small clots of earth, Unnúi pardé héth karáida. We cover him with covering. Upar téré ha! vagange. The plough will pass over you. Té gawdi ghd chardida. And the cows will graze above you. A Dirge. For a woman JS marna té sach hai, vóht charewali. Death is certain, wife of the marriage bracelet. Stvar táp kard khair, võhi chúrtwali. Death is inevitable, wife of the marriage bracelet. Hath katorá dihin da, vôh chtrêwili. With a dish of whey in her hand, wife of the marriage bracelet. Nohann gaye tald, vihil chuirewall. She has gone to wash her hair in the tank, wife of the marriage bracelet. Tai pahle aile qitthion, vôl!f chúrérouli. I saw thee firet in the marriage palanquin, wife of the marriage bracelet. Tur ghar, a val, vúhti chúrewall. Go home now, thy time has come, wife of the marriage bracelet. Vil sanjhata tainan (taiú na), vbhți charawili. Thou knowest (thou didst not know) thy time, wife of the marriage bracelet. Térí bánhân chúrá lål, vóhtf charéwili. Thou hast the red bracelet on thine arm, wife of the marriage bracelet. Nahá dhá ghar af, vôhư chúrewall. Washing thou hnat returned home, wife of the marriage bracelet. Sattar sahthái nil, vohti chúrêwili. With seven bride's-maids, wife of the marriage bracelet. Daih pihra baho sámné, vóhli chúrêwili. Set chairs, sit down, wife of the marriage bracelet. Véhé da sing ir sépán, vóhti ch Grewall.. The glory of the courtyard is the lady, wife of the marriage bracelet. Pir vich rahtan pinidis, rohi chårdroilt. The cotton skeine are left in thy basket, wife of the marriage bracelet. Téri tand charkhré nál, röhli chúreoals. Thy cotton is forsaken beside the spinning wheel, wife of the marriage bracelet.


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