Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 411
________________ INDEX. 361 . 177 ... 269 ... 89 ... 83 * 88 Candanna, Oadanore, modern Kurnool Chandraguptas, I, 11, 125; and the Yaadheyas, Candagatta 290 1. .. ... ... .. 160, 162 Candabor, city, 138; Kandahar ... Chandrawati, mother of the man-lion inoarCannanore, Can'na'noor, tn. ... ... 178 nation of Vishnu ... ... .. . 244 Carlleyle, the late Mr. A. C., and Indian chandran, moon, a tattoo-mark ** pygmy flints ... ... 185, 186 n., 188, 19+ f. Changar, Chuhpå subdivision ... ... .. 83 Carlyle, on the value of traditions ... ... 116 changéra, a basket - ** ... 340, 344 Carnatic, Richard Bell's conneetion with the. 132 changer-lål, a tray .. ... ... 91 Car'ru'ra (Kadapa, Cuddapah) visited by Chang-kien, Chinese author... ... 36, 38, 44 Richard Bell ... ... ... ... ... 209 Chang Mangal sidrat, in the Tocht Valley ... 123 Caganna, khazana, treasury ... 183 and n., Chao-te, Chinese ambassador ... ... 38 134, 172 chapnidn, earthen plates ... Cataváhana, Satavahana .. ... ... 7 Chaprłban, Chuhfå subdivision Çatradru, Satradru ... ... . ... 17 Charita, city in Orissa ... . ... ... 21 Caucasus ... ... ... ... ... 118 n. 1 'charkhan, spinning wheel ... ... 310 n. Celebes or Bugis, islanda, boate used in, Char Khel, bills ... ... .. ... 123 102, 105 chaunké, ear jewel ... Central Provincea, Folklore from ... 212 ff. chauki, throne ... ... ... 249 ceremonies, domestic, of the Chuhfas ... 86 Chaur-Chor - Peak, near Simla. 245 t. Ceres, goddess... .. 247 and n., 250 t. Qeylon and the Dipavara, 189 ff.; conversion Ch&wag, vil. in the Pašijab ... ... ... 249 to Buddhism, 158; visited by Chinese Chawkhat, near the Ohori Dhor in Jubbal. 250 f. monks, 211 ; antiquarian notes in, 295 ff. ; Ohayára, & rishi ... ... ... . 51 the birthplace of Dameur . 853 Cheemaun, Canadian oanoe ... .. 115 chddar, a sheet 4 " 86,93 Chenab, riv. ... 310 *** chaihal, charità, a scent... chendu, a ball ... ... ... ... 118 Cbnitya symbol *** ** 274 t. chengal, chengai, wood used in boat-building, Chaitya roek . ** . 297 103, 109 olaityas or stúpas at Saspola ... ... 325, 328 Ch'êng-ti, emp. of China Chakrári, vil. ja GajranwAlA ... chert flakes, in the Vindhyas ... 185 f. chakras, the six ... . ... 864 Chetiya, k. . . ... 187 Chakravarti or emperor, called Vairmåghan... 232 chhdnani, a siete . ... 92 Chaldea . . .. ...117, 118 n. chhannan, drinking vessel ... ... 94 Chaḥık yas, of Badaml, and the Rashtrakatas, chhap, shkalld, a ring ... .. ... 94 230, 882 Chhatris, & easte... ... 842 n. Chalukyan-supposed -sculptares in Pagån Chindambaram, ta. ... ... temples .. ... 994 n. Chigtan, in W. Tibet, Buddhist Monastery at. 330 Chamba State in the Pañjáb, 125; disputed chikken, forehead jewel ... ... ... 94 succession in ** .... ... . 152 chimba, Chuhra washerman ... ... 86 Champi, fabled city ..* ... 13 Ohina, 4, 10; and the Sakas, 88; the An-si, Obam panagara, a writer 39; 118 n.; and Buddhism, 44, 211 t.; and Champu-Jivandhara of Harichandra, book- the use of ordnance ... ... ... ... 336 notice 49 268 Ohinas, Chinese ... ... . ... ... ... 18 Chand, a Paljab title ... ... ... Chinese script, 9; texta, 23 ff.; words in the Ohanda, a steer, foster parent of Chanda Burmese language ... ... ... 9111. gutta .. *** .. **. .. ... ... 180 Chitor, tn. chanda, Chuhfå ceremony ... ... ... 340 Chitrakéta, k, of Surashna in the MaharishObandagatta, k. of India .. .. 160, 1621 tra co.... ... .. .. .. 56 ff. Chandésar, brother of Shirigul .., 246, 250 and n. Chitrdáva for Satyavat ... .... .. .. 119 Chandôshwar, g... . ... .. .. 250 chốt, chop, shawl . . . . . 86 Chandi, goddess... ... .. ... 289 L. mOhog-agyar-rgyalpo-khri-rgyal, k., probably Chandiya, a Tuluva, committed self-immola of Leh ... ... ... ... ... ... 78 tion * ** ** *** Chola power in S. India ... . 230 ff. *** Chandoba, . .. chóll, a bodice ... ... ... ... ... 88 Chandra-bhdmi, lams, called Ca-'adra- Chowang-namgyal for Thse-dbang-mam'abkom-si . .* *** ** 332 rgyal, k. ... ... ... ... ... 73 ... 88 ... 82 ... 282 13 ... 324 .. 21


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