Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 229
________________ JULY, 1906.) THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOHN CAMPBELL). 209 This man, sa they, yt you take to be Devell, hath gon wth his bow & arrowes & his Iron flaile & slinge against the Bloches [Baluchs] a lone, & kild 10000, Ten thowsand men, And brought 2000 presoners. I told them I could not beleive wthout I had seene it. The Casa replied, have you noe beleife, Ootta Moyses Batt (kahtă mu'azziz bat], If you doe not See yu will not beleive. This was of a Sunday that this discorse was. Of Monday we tooke horsee and went on ye border of ye Bloches Contrey, The Gouerner And Casa and 12,000 horsse And I, Jno Campbell. We went on to ye top of a Hill; plaines weere on each side. In the valley was soe many horsemen wth bowes and arrowes I could not number them. I desired of ye Gouerner to let me know what it ment, & sd, lets have a care of of selfs. The Casa (qazi] sd, we shall haue One by & by will have a care of all. I was in great feare and Chainged Conntenance. The Casa askt me what was ye Matter, doe you feare, Christ will come. Speaking these words, caime a Man wth two heads, wh I had seene before And sayd to yo Casa, Tou ka monte [tu kyā mangle], What would you hate don. Sd the Casa, poynting to me, this is an vnbeleiver. We have told him what thou didest formerly, but or words had not Credit. Is voccat bet' ter kering gar [is waqt behtar ka-unga], Sd he, I will doe hetter now. Beinge On the hill, downe he went amongst them w bow and arrowes sling & flaile, and kild before my eies Alcne 11000 Men (I told them One by One) And brought 3000 prisoners wch followed him, their hands bound behind wth withes; the rest run away. Bringing them to vs, sa the Casa, haue you ever seens such a thing. I, beinge hugely at szed, he askt, can yor god doe such a thing. I answered, theirs but one God. Said ye Casa, be not affraid, you are a traveller; This Man had his boddy as full of Arrowes stuck in his flesh as a Gamor backor wth Cloues. When puld out not a drop blood followel. In this came pritions, woh the Gouerner Ordered, being 23 Leagues at that tyme from Grancondah [Golconda]. Sitting downe Sd the Casa (qizi] be not afferd. I Replied, I trust in Issara sou la law [Isi ar-rasulullah] wol is Christ. Thou saist well, sit ho. The pritions sett before vs and we eatinge, downe sitts this 2 healed mai & I fell in a sound [swoon], But recovered psently [immediately). The Casa askt me leaue to lett him hade my Cutlase, we lay before my tarket before me at meate, for soe is ye fashið for strain zers. I gave leade. He rose vp & went behind yo 2 headed man & Cut of his speakinge heale, & y Tom dall' geer' mut [tum dilgir mat], be not aff-rd, To mor row pass vengell ny too kiss wast dall geer hey (tumhare pas injil hai to kis waste dilgir hai], baue not you the scripture wth yo', why are you atferd. This was about 3 Clock in the after noone. The man runn hor wt" one hea le to yo Casays howse and Dyed at his door. A nobleman, his neighber, seing what was don dil write yo Emperror of what was don to such a man who y Emperror had herd of, And writt him what he had don in jsence of yo Traveller, And caused go Casa (qizi] to be dragi at a horse taile to Court. 29 days I staid wth the Goaerner, The Gouerner shakeing for fear, haueing Married yo Cásays sister. We loe know, gd ye Gouerner to me, you hane don of Emperrer good service, yo word will pass heere being a traveller. Pray sane my Brothers life if you can. The Gouerer přidel 11 horsses. I writt in the Lingua of the Contrey to ye Emperror And put yo King of Englands seale to it, of wch I had 7, Beaven. When yo Emperror se it, he sa, this is my slanes print, my slaues slaue hath sent it to me, And for his sake I pardon the. I staid in all at Gruncanda [Golconda] 60 days, in woh tyme ye Casa returned And pšented me wth 500 Moores gold & his doughter and ail he had at my service. The Gold I received, but not his doughter, haueing refused yo Emp offer. Six dayes wee feested. This 2 headed man was about 8 feete in hight, his brothers (and] father was as other men, Nor could I vnderstand anie Devellish practis he had or vsed, haveing eate & drunke wth him. His heads weere as ours are. Only wth two necks; he eate but wth one Mouth nor spooke but wth One. I askt him wheere his strenth lay. He showed me a lock of heare at yo top of his head and said it lay theire ; it was on the heade yt spooke. I parted from Grunconda (Golconda) after 2 mo, stay, they greineing much at my depture, they saying they should never see me more, but caused me pmisse to returne.


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