Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 160
________________ 142 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (MAY, 1906. The L4 speakvinge this, y• Devell vannisht away, Anl the Lord was taken deade, And was stript and washt, and was about to be wound and laid forth as to his buryall. We, the Christians, were sent for to old Dilley howse to come to bis buryall, his freinds knowing we weere intimate. We caime, And of A Snddan he Started vp & s, O hodah Iss a'ra' Bou' lu' law' [O Khuda, 'Isa ar-rasulu'llāh, O God, Christ is the prophet of God], wch is in English, O god who bath saved me by ye providence of Jesus Christ. One of his sarvants, beinge a Moore, went to ye Casa & sd, his Ld was turned Coffer. He ye L4, was sent for ; we yo g® durst not be seene in it. The L, haueing good parts, disputed a litle wth leane of the Cas & desired him look into Moses lav & told him their was one God, And sd we are bound by Mahomett our profett to pray for all other profetts but espetially Ela Ela Issa' ra' sou'la' law [Allah, Allah, 'Isà ar-rasulullah] ch is interpreted before. Sa yo L4, when I was taken sick, God & Issa ['Isā, i. e., Christ) caime in my heart first. S4 y Casa, this was in former tymes, But Issa is not yet come. We know, s' ye Ld to the Casa, he is a great profett. Sa ye Casa, doe şu not acknowledge Mahommett greater. Ho-dah a' mer' a' cull' ham so se' de'ra' buttella [Khudā mērā ankh khula ham ko sidha rah batlāyā), st is, God open my eies and direct me ye right way, I cannot dispute wth yu being Casa, w' is as High preist, Said the Casa, ham Dalgeere bey [ham dilgir hai], I am sorrie yu will goe to hell. Su ye L", Ho-dah Jan te Khuda jäna or jinté], God knowes whether I sball or noe. Brough [barão), Sd y. Casa, begon. The next day ye Casa related this to ye Emperer. The Emperer cald ye Casa & y Lis his Counsell to debate it. The Casa said, he is gilty of death, because he disputs ay aiust the Law of Mahom nett. Su ye Emperer, lets know by whome this powation of his caime. They sent to ye Padrees, imponed them, thretned some others had Strips to Confesse, but they knew nothinge of it, noe more they did. Then sa yo Emperer, Bi r'ga ban'den [Bira Jahannam), Gou & be hanged. Je hob Mussellman A Good Moore will never make a Christian nor a Christian a good Moore. Esub ho da'ca' lut huy [Yeh sab Khuda ke hath hai] Sd y Empor, wou is All this is in gods band And Cleered him. But after this we durst not meete but it he caime to vs at night, be staid privat wtla vs all next day and away at night, Soe we the same if we went to his howse. (To be continued.) FOLKTALES FROM NORTHERN INDIA. Collected by William Crooke. A Tale of Human Sacrifice.1 THERE was once a Râjâ who had a very wise Wazir. One day the Rają went to hunt, and they encountered a tiger. The Râjâ wounded the beast, but in the fight which followed it so happened that the tiger bit off one of the fingers of the Raja. When he returned all the courtiers condoled with him on his misfortune, but the Wazir said: "Whatever Bhagwan does he does for our good." When he heard this, the Râjâ flew into a passion, and turned the Wazir out of his Court. As the Rajâ suffered much pain from the wound, he determined to go for a ride in the jungle. He rode on a long way and became separated from his escort, and as night came on he went for shelter into a temple of Devi. He sat by the door, but continued to hold his horse by the rein. Now in this temple there was a gang of thieves, who had got possession of some valuable goods. And they had vowed that if they were successful they would sacrifce a man to the goddess. But they had forgotten to bring a victim, and just as the Râjâ came up they 80 Probably the commencement of some formuls Khub Musalman, &c. 1 Tola by Rameswara Datta, Ojha, of L!lapur, Partabgash District, Oudh.


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