Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 186
________________ 168 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1906. The Singhalese chronicles agree with remarkable closeness on the subject of Gajabāhu, of whom the Mahavamsa merely says that he built or consecrated monasteries, erected Tbūpas and planned the Gāmanissa pond. A detailed account of this monarch is found in the Singhalese chronicles, especially the Rājāvali, the new matter being unmistakably from popular sources. THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOHN CAMPBELL) IN THE EAST INDIES, PERSIA, AND PALESTINE. 1664--1670. BY SIR R. C. TEMPLE. (Continued from p. 142.) Assein Pashaw Husain Päsbā), Kinge of the arrabbs on y North East of Pertia, left bis Contrey, beinge vexed and overpowred wth the strenth of ye Turke, yet fought ye Grand Senior wts 90000 horsse, but beaten, he fled to Shaw Sollymon [Shāh Suliman), Kinge of Pertia, desireing his ptection at Serash (Shiraz].62 The grand Senior hearinge it, sent to Shaw Sollymon (Shäh Sulimän], desireing him deliver vp Assem passhaw [Husain Pasha). The Governor of Serash had Orders to send him vp, But Assem Passhaw vnderstandinge it, by money got liberty to passe for Conge (Kung],69 the Chiefe sea port towne in Pertia. Theire he shipt himselfe & sarvts with 3000000, Thirty hundred thowsands of pounds sterling money vallew in Jewells gold & money, woh was put in 14 Saile of Shipps, weh he hyred, vizt 5 English, 3 Dutch, 4 Maltans (Maltanis] And 2 Mallabars : All for Lahor e bander [Lāhori-Bandar], at wch place they arrived saife, J. C. peent when they & the tresure arrived. The King of ye Arrabs said to me, have not I seene yu wth Capt Wise who was vnder my Command in Bossera [Basra]. I said, yes, And a Contreeman of his : Assem passhaw kept me 9 days wil him in Lahor-e-bander And lodged me wth him and his sonns in his owne tent. Oram Zebb Aurangzēb], haveinge advice of his loadinge, sent 30000 men as a gard for him. 30000 ropees to eate Beetell wth, wch is A complemy to drinke his helth. When yo Kinge of yo Arrabbs caime to Tattaw [Tätta in Sindb], Oram Zebb was theire & did embrace him, and gave him a Serpaw [saropā] wch is a garm! according to ye Industian [Hindustan] weare, wch soe soone as psented, ye ptie takes it and prently [immediately] pats it on. Noe sooner it was On, but Assem Passhaw65 dropt downe deade, He deade, Oram Zebb possest himselfe of All his treasure And made his Eldest son 3 Azarey (Hazāri], wch is 3000 horse, yo yonger 2000 horse. 61 This must be Husain Pasha of Basrah - vide Chardin, Coronation of Solyman III, p. 125 #. 69 In a letter from Stephen Flower to Surat, dated Ispahan, 14th Aug. 1668 Factory Recorde, Surat, Vol. 105, at the India Office), there is the following allusion to Husain Pasha and his fight:-"The late Tyrant of Bussora with his rotinue of above 2000 persons at Shyras, were preparing for Bundareeoke or Congo (Kung Bandar] with resolution to Imbarque for India, having this Kings order to depart bis Country, upon the Grand Signiors demanding his head and having noe Inclination to Ingage himself in & warr upon that socount which hee must Ipect upon refusall the former or complyance with what required by the said Grand Signior." 03 Kung Bandar, & port on the northern shore of the Persian Gulf, about 100 m. west of Gombroon. See Hobson-Jobson, s. v. Congo-Bunder. 04 The port of Tatta at the mouth of the Indus on its E. side, which has now disappeared. Fo: the identification of Lahori-Bandar with Dial-Sind, see Roe's Embassy, Hakluyt Society's ed. p. 122. From Mr. Irvine I have received the following partioulars of Hasain Pasb. His arrival in India in 1689 or 1670 is mentioned by Manuooi. He was not murdered by Aurangzēb, as stated here, but was killed in the Bijapur campaign, c. 1676. His Indian title was Talam Khan Rumi. See also Chardin, Coronation of Solyman III., p. 125 ff,


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