Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 219
________________ JULY, 1906.) THE RELIGION OF THE IRANIAN PEOPLES. 199 Wisdom." But there it is a title or epithet, not a personal or proper name. Now, whether or no the etymological significance of Ahura be the "being," the “living" (cognate with the Indian Asura, which may be rendered by “spirit"), we have here no warrant for taking into consideration any sense but that of the Lord.” For it is in this sense that the word is used in the whole of the Avesta, in the Gathas it being applied not to the denizens of heaven alone but also to mankind. It is only in one Pabsage where Mazda is described as the being most worthy of worship, as the father of Vohu mano, and the creator of Asha, that we may surmise an allusion to the original import of the term.30 Lord, however, he remains in the widest meaning of the word, without doubt. He is omnipotent over all, rules according to his own pleasure, and after the resurrection and the renovation of the creation will dominate the pious, and now controls not only these but exercises bis authority over the wicked, over all who fill his followers with terror and threaten with perdition.31 Every page of the Gathas testifies to his superiority to all that is created. This Mazda, who remains unaltered in nature and character to this day, is the creator of all things, terrestrial and celestial, spiritual and material.32 The verses which sing these facts are instinct with poetry. Here is a classical hymn :-33 This I ask Thee; aright Ahora tell me; Who ever earth and sky from falling guardeth ? Who hath save Thee brought forth rivers and forests ? Who with the winds hath yoked racers to storm-clouds ? Who of the good man's grace ever was source ? This I ask Thee ; aright Ahura tell me ; Who with skilled band the light made, who the darkness ? Who with wise deed hath giv'n sleep or waking ? Who hath Auroras spread, noontides and midnights? Warning discerning man, duty's true guide. Thus ask I Thee; aright Ahura tell me ; Who in production first was Asha's father ? Who suns and stars save Thee their path hath given ? Who thins the waning moon, or waxing Glleth ? This and still other works, Lord, would I know This I ask Thee; aright Ahura tell me ; Are these in very deed truths which I utter? Doth zeal in our actions further Thy statutes ? To Thine through Thy Good Mind the Realm didst Thou offer? Who didst Thou make the Kine mother to glad ? Thus ask I Thee; aright Ahura tell me; Who in Thy kingdom has set blest Devotion ? Who, wise, hath made son dutiful to the father? With this, for full knowledge, Mazda, I press Thee ; Giver of all Thou art, Spirit kind. # Yama 81, 8, Anghouah ahurem alvyaothanehu. "Anghu" in properly "what ezinta" And so oonboten "life" as well as the "world." #1 Van khahayas, Yanna 48, 1; 30, 8; 48, 9. 1 Yama 31, 7. # [I take the liberty of reproducing Mill's almost Miltonio version, rather than the learned author's rigidly soientific translation. What the former has not attempted in precision it has achieved in the spirit, which perhapo makes a nearer approach to the Gathio original-TR.)


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