Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 190
________________ 172 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JUNE, 1906. sight of this Sutler then blinde & led before yo Gouerner, before ye blinde Satler spoke, 4 ye Gouerner, I know what thou comst for & said, goe to a place & loose one of the knotts; y blinde Sutler went & loosed one of yoknotts & returned wth one eie seinge. The Gouerner, after yo Sutler bad thanked him, bid him goe back to Jaggerdatt, weh ye Satler did & returned wth sight of both cies, & Peented y Gouerner wth 250 pagodoes, And pīnised yo 5th penny of Wt afterwards he got to give to yo pegodaye or Image & to yo tyme I was in the Contrey did. I had trade wth this man both before and after he was blinde & restord. This hapned in aŭ 1660. Kings Trebutary to the Magull, 1. The Kinge of yo Osbacks [Uzbegs] wch are Moores (Muh..madans], a great Kingdome. 2. The Kinge of yo Pattans, cald 9 lack (naulaklcha); he can raise 900,000 men. 3.' The Kinge of Vizepoore (Bijapur), we are Moores & a grt Kingdome. 4. The Kinge of Bengall, Moores & a great Kingdome. 5. The Kinge of ye Rashpouts or Gentues, about 50 kings of them ; some Cod but 3 & 4,000 men; in these Kingdomes are all ye Dymond Mines, Saphers & Rabies. Itts y Custom amongst yo Genta es if the husband die to take yo wife, she beinge made as fyne as if she weere goeing to be wedd, to burne hir wth y Corps of yo dead husband & its accompted a dishonor to hir fammily & kindred [if] she live after hir husband ; & if she be Dot willing to leape into yo fyer, hir owne kindred & Children will indeavor to throw hir in, as I haue seene by Psons of Quallity. Twelve of yo Lds of ye Magull, in año 1665, had conspired his death and sworne fydillity one to an other, & bad past it vnder their signetts, intending to set vp one of his Sonns by a Rash pout (Rajput) weoman, he woh is now pion! in Goleere [Gwalior). But y Chiefe Ld in yo Conspirrisey discoverd it to the Magall. Soe he cald a Councell, of web these Lds weere, and Sett at yo Doore of his Casanna (khazana, ? for am-khas], into web they weere to Come, An Executioner. Soe, as they caime in One by One, yo signe givea, wch they, They noe sooner in, but of went yo heade. Its the Custome of the Magull To keepe his nobles from familliarity one wth an other & yt they never meeto at one an other's howses or Salate sate as they passe one by an other, till they come into y Casanna or y® Emparrer's peence. All yo Emperrors other sonns, sage he wch is in Goleere,68 are by Magallans (Mughal] weomen, Moores. This Goleere [Gwalior) is 40 Leagues from Agray and is one of ye Strongest peeces of Earth by nature as well as by Art in the world, And its supposed, if ye vniverse should ioyne to take it by storme, they were not hable, if they wthin weere trew to themselues. They haue Corne, wyne, Catle & all other neggessary přitions wthin themselues. The eldest son, Muhammad Saltän.


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