canvas, and boats thus rigged on the east coast generally carry long topmasts and jib-booms for light-weather sails. (Plate III., fig. 6.)
21. Nadir. - This is a more Europeanised form of the next, with cloth sail and weather-boards astern,
22. Nadir. - A shallow-draft Malay fishing-boat of the Malacca coast, carvel built, with straight stem and stern posts of European type. The rig is a single lug, the tack or fore-end of the boom being made fast well forward and to windward of the mast. The luff is Bet taut by a spar-bowline fitting in a cringle, the after-end coming to the deck abaft the mast. There is a peak as well as a main halyard, both in single parts, the sheet and vang being the same, and leading to the helmsman aft. There are spear-bladed paddles, and in the model the kajang or attap-thatch shelter, used by the crew when riding to an anchor, is shown rolled up on the gratings. The sail is reefed by rolling round the main boom by help of a wooden pin used as a lever, from the fore-end to the height required. A rope parral, as is usual, keeps the sail to the mast. Such a boat would be enormously improved by centre or lee boards. Material, kelidang : dimensions, 24 ft. by 6 ft. by 3 ft. 3 in. ; 1 ft. freeboard; capacity, 1 koy; crew of 5 ; length of mast, 30 ft. ; screw pine-leaf sail.
23. Pedewaka (Bugis, Celebes). - A two-masted trader. Built of giam wood. Dimensions, 99 ft. by 15 ft. by 12 ft. ; 6 ft. 8 in. freeboard ; capacity, 60 koy; crew of 16; length of mainmaat, 60 ft.
24. Payang. - This is a type which has a divided deck-house. The payang has usually the ordinary two-lug rig, and dandans fore and aft. Dimensions, 72 ft, by 12 ft, by 5 ft. ; 3 ft. freeboard ; capacity, 4 koy; erew of 4 men; material, giam; sails of screw palm-leaf ; length of mainmast, 60 ft.
25. Pelang27 (a large canoe-like boat, built of giam wood). - Dimensions, 42 ft. by 5 ft. by 2 ft. 3 in. ; 1 ft. freeboard ; capacity, 1 koy; one mast about 40 ft. long, with cloth lagsail.
26. Penchalang (Bugis, Celebes). - A two-masted trader, built of jati. Dimensions, 80 ft. by 15 ft. by 9 ft. ; 4 ft. freeboard ; capacity, 15 koy; crew of 80 (?). Apparently European rigged, the masts having ratlines,
27. Pemudik.- A river boat, built of seraya. Dimensions, 48 ft. by 15 ft. by 2 ft.; 6 in. freeboard; capacity, 2 k. 20 p.; crew of 5. Carries no awning.
28. Pinis.- Built of penak wood. Dimensions, 120 ft. by 27 ft. by 8 ft. ; 3 ft. freeboard ; capacity, 30 koy; crew of 9 ; mainmast, 50 ft. long. (Plate III., fig. 7.)
29. Prahu Ayam (Cook boat). - So-called from its figurehead. In other respects it differs little from other forms of Malay river boats.
30. Prahu Buaya (Crocodile boat). - So-named simply from its figurehead. Has a stern gallery, a kajang for the passengers and four oars, with mast and a sail. The rudder is hung upon the stern post. Length of model, 23 in.
31. Prahu Enggang (Hornbill boat). — Named after its figurehead. The boat has a stern gallery and the peculiar, but not uncommon, divided deck-shelter aft. As regards her rig, we may charitably suppose that the skipper, having been dismasted in a squall, has borrowed or stolen his mast and sail from a passing kolek.
92. Prahu Kumbang (Borer-bee boat, the Royal barge from Selangor). -The gong is usually suspended from the ridge pole aft.
93. Prahu Naga (Dragon boat).- A two-master with the ordinary square-headed dipping Jugsails, deck-house radder and galleries both fore and aft. The name of this boat, which means dragon, is taken from its figurehead which represents a dragon. It is said to be of a type formerly used by Malay Rajas, e.g., by the Sultans of Perak and Selangor. The length of this model is 27 in.
26 Klinkert says: Pedewakan, a Bugis trading vessel. 37 Klinkert sayu: A fat-bottomed vowel. Chinese pilan,