Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 153
________________ May, 1908.] THE TRAVELS OF RICHARD BELL (AND JOHN CAMPBELL). 135 Both armies came to John-a-badd, 22 But Saiahan, yo father, then in ye Castle verry strong, would admitt of neither of his sonns into it, but wth his great Gunns fyred at them, willing to see who was conquerrer. Oram Zebb still lay before the castle & for 9 days space great Gunns & Mortars plaid agat him from y Castle. Dorrishacour was on thother side of ye river cald Corno (a local branch of the Jamna], woh is 3 English miles over & comes from Bengall, & is 12 mo Jurney for a man to goe betwixt Jno a Bad & Bengall by yo river. Oram Zebb wth drew his seige from his father to fight Dorrishacour bis Brother & yo 10th day made a bridge wth botes 12 leagues below y Citty to get over his guns and Army; 3 days it was ere be got over his Army, Then they ioyned battell in 3 Battallios. Dorrishacour was at first to hard for vs. But a Lord of his, wth 30000 horsse, advized him to light of his Ollyfant & get on his horsse, whose advice he followed. He was no sooner of his Ollyfant but his soldiers cried, he is kild, On web y Lord runn to Oram Zebb wth 30000 horsse; yo rest run away, wcb was y losse of ye feild to Dorrishacour.24 The arrowes web weer shott yt day on both sides and gathered vpp burnt 15000 Gentues. Dorrishacour beinge taken poner; his Brother Oram Zebb sent him into Agray Castle,25 & after, wth his son,26 beheaded them. After this, wee drew vp to Johnabadd and ley 4 days before yo Castle ere Saiaban, his father, would surrender.37 When his father surrendred, he tooke him & put him in Irons & Continewed him soe for 4 yeares yt it kild him. I lived wth Oram Zebb 6 yeares after he tooke his father pisoner weh was till yo yeare 1666.28 Noe sooner had Oram Zobb sotled things about John-a-bada, but comes vp Shaw Souia his 24 Brother wth a great army, A releife of the Pattans [? Rchillas] ; Oram Zebb gent his sonn Sultan Azam 20 to feight his vnkle & Conquerd him & tooke him psoner, And after let him scape for his life. A great Lord in his army, seing him let his vncle goe, tooke y prince & sent him to his father giving acco! of his Crime. Oram Zebb pat his sonn psoner in Goleere, 3e but cut of yo Lds heade, saying he y had ye boldness to lay hands on his prince would not feare in tyme to doe as much to him. Sultan Azam, a hopefull prince, hath beene poner 7 yeares, but now, in ye yeare 1668 he is vnder yo care of an English physition to purge out yo Opium & pest31 wch was in this tyme given him to stupefie his senses. All yo Lords are ingaged to his father Oram Zebb as hostages he, when at liberty, shall not rebell. This Shaw Souia after routed, filed againe to Recan [Arakan], leaveinge yo Pattans Contrey ;3 yo Recans & Gentues treated him well. This Recan is distant from Bengall 800 leagues by Ses; 91 Shah Shuja' marchod with a powerful army towards Jahānābād (Delhi) in 1658 and was defeated by Aurangzēb. 25 There is no foundation for this story. # The author is here correct and is not confusing the names of the princes as he does above. 20 This is incorrect. It was Shah Jahan who was confined in Agra Castlo. Dārāh Shikoh was imprisoned at old Delhi and there behoaded, in 1659. * Sipahr Shikoh, Dara's son, was sent, a prisoner, to Gwalior, but ultimately released. 27 The fortress of Agra was taken by Aurangzeb's son in June, 1668. 2% If this statement is correct, the date should be 166, 29 Muhammad A'sam wa Aurangzēb's third son. It was Muhammad Sultan, the eldest son, who, with Mir Jumla, was sent against Shah Shuja'. The prince was won over to his uncle's side, and married Shuja's daughter. Ho, however, repented of his desertion, escaped from Shah Shuji's camp and returned to Court. * Muhammad Sultan was said to have been confined either in the fort of Mir-garh, or Salim-garh. See Elliot, History of India, VII. 251. #1 . 6., pgat, poppy-hoad. A drink prepared from poppies was given to stato prisoners a slow poison. Seo Constable's Bernier, f. 1. p. 107. # He moans (P) the country of the Rohilla, 6. 4. Oadb.


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