Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 35
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 152
________________ 134 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [MAY, 1906. has y Casanna [kharāna], wch is the tresure, of 6 of the princypall Oitties to himselfe, ffor there are 24 great Cittys in the Empire, in each of weh is lodged a tresure of vast Riches. Mallabucks [Murad Bakhsh] commanded his second brother ont of Bengall to come to him. Shaw Souia Shāh Shuja'], his broth, sent him word he would waite On him, Sayinge you raigne soe high now, you may haue a fall, I haue as much right to the crowne as you. Shaw Sonia [Sbāh Shujā'] came 2 Months after vppon his Brothr Mallabucks [Murād Bakhsh] Trth an Army of 20000 horse 200 greate Gunns. They pitched betwixt groy and Goleere [Agra and Gwalior] ; 2 days and 2 nights they fyred theire great Gunns at one an other. Att last Mallabucks broke Shaw Souia his army wth his Ollyphants & routed him soe as he could not recreate, But fed to Recan (Arakan].14 In the meane tyme comes Dorrishacour [Dārā Shikoh]15 yo 34 sonn and Oram Zebb [Aurangzēb] yo youngest wth 2 greate Armys ioyned, but for theire seuerall interests. Oram Zebb [Aurangzēb] had, lik Jonathan, stole away the hearts of the people, he livinge among them as a fowkeer [faqir] as a begger, for though he had to attend him 12000 horse as a prince, yet did not he, Lady, or his Children eate or weare ought but what theire hand worke brought from yo Bazars or shops for 7 yeares before yo Warrs. Dorrishaw: cour [Dārā Shikoh), seinge his youngest Broth soe stronge, Said to Mallabucks [Murad Bakhsh] yo Eldest Bro:, I iudge it fitt we ioyne our Armys, for its my intent you be Emperror. Mallabucks [Murad Bakhsh] invited him to his tent and in his tent feasted him & made him drunke, & when a sleepe put him in Chaines and sent him poner on an Ollyfant to Goleere [Gwalior). And by this meanes got Dorrishawcours [Dārā Shikoh's] army to Joyne wth him.17 They ioyned, vp comes Oram Zebb, ye yongest Brothr, wth an Army of 300000 horse, 150 Ollyfants, 200 grt Guns. His strength did princepally lie in the Rashpouts [räjpūts] ; he had 4 Kings, great Radg[as], to his assistance, he marrying into theire Cast.18 I John Cambell was then wth Mallabucks, But M* Roch, M. Robt. Smith & Mr Jno. White19 was wth Oram Zebb. Wee fought 4 days wth of great Gunns, But Oram Zebb routed vs. In yo meane tyme breakes out Dorrishawcour ont Golleere & Rased an Army & plandered all yo Casannays or tresurys wheere ever he caime,20 Oram Zebb, when he conqaerred Mallabucks & tooke him, caused him to be put to death by an Ollyfant 21 Dorrishacour, vext at this his Brothers death, drew his army towards Oram Zebb & sent him a challenge. Oram Zebb returned him answer, I will first goe see my father and after I will fight. 24 Shah Shuji's flight to Arakan did not occur until after his defeat by Aurangzāb in 1600. 16 This remark refers to Murad Bakhsh.. 16 This story may have arisen from the fact that, before his accession, Aurangzeb gave away in alms a portion of his allowance for food and olothing. » Those statements constituto curious mixing up of the actual facte. It was Aurangzēb who connived at making Murad Bakhsh intoxicated, in July 1658, and who then imprisoned him. 1 The author is confusing Aurangzēb with Akbar and Jahangir, who both had Hindu wives. 19 Mr. Irvine tells me that these three men are mentioned by Manucoi as being in India at this period. For details respecting Roch, see later on. 0 It Was Murad Bakhsh who was imprisoned in Gwalior by Aurangaab. His attempt to escape was discovered and frustrated. He was murdered in 1662 and buried within the fort of Gwalior. 21 Dari Shikoh, after his betrayal into the hands of Aurangzab, was paraded through the streets of Delhi, on wretched elephant


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