Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 14
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 20
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [JANUARY, 1885. ["] mata-dêvatkyai nankavapose-svåmityai 8Q[r*]y-6[") parâge adaka-pûrvakė(kam) Târu-gråmadêv-Agraharam kri(kri)två [*] sarva-kara-bharai[h*] parihri(hri)ty=&-chandra-tárakan måtâpitrôr=âtma[] nas=cha puny (ny)-abhivri(vri)ddhayê sampradatta iti [1] akhandita-vra Third plate; first side. 17 hmaddhayyans Saiva-sthånakam=idam Khandyama-gurava-putra-Kamal["] sana-bhat[t" Jarakên(n)=8pârjita[m] [ll] Idâni(ni) pradakshiņam simá-liñgani ["] likhyante [1] půrvasyam disi(si) trivri(vri)ta-taţika svêtu dgnêy[y]ảm di[*] si(ei) arjuna-domka dakshiņêna g iri-nåsika nairi(rri)tyám dibia [") parvvata paschimêna m êru-påshåņa vayabya(vya)ayam disias [] aksha-lonka uttaréna ali-silâtala i(1)śânyasyâ[] [") disi(hi) utpala-våpf sveta [ll*] Atra Byâ(vyá)sa-gîtâni bha Third plate; second side. 7 vanti [1] Bahubhir=vasudha datta råjabhis-Sagar-Adibhi[h*] yasya yasya [] yad bhumis-tasya tasya tad& phalań [ll] Sva-datt[&*]m para-datt[A]m=v& Fô ha[ rêti(ta) vasundhara[m] sa vishtâyán krimir=bhatva pitribhis-saha pa[*] chyatê [ilo] Hiranya (nya)m=ôkaṁ gåm=ék[&*]m bhůmôr=apyrêkamwangulam hard (ra)n=na["] rakam-amyâti" yâvad=8-bhůta-samplavan [ll] Aditya(P) Puna[**] r=api Galelai dhânya-sahashra(sra)kasya bhůmi[bo] tad-vishayd grâm-&nugram 8 [**] tâ (ta)ndula-muraya-ghrita-tali Galelai polai khandi [ll] Gangeya-vanga-samva[*] chhara-satAnám yê()ka-pañchása (sa)t [ll] Sri(?)-rahasya-Khandya ma-putra-Virapa likhit-tkîrnna (rona)m=iti || A NOTE ON THE EARLY KADAMBA INSCRIPTIONS. BY K. B, PÅTHAK, B.A.; Miraj, Ten copper-plato grants of this Dynasty against this iniquity, as it was a clear violation have been published by Mr. Fleet,-in Vol. VI. of the principle ahinsa paramo dharmah. p. 22ff, and in Vol. VII. p. 33ff, of this Guņabhadracharya, who lived before Saka 820. Journal. They contain two points of interest, dwells at some length on this subject in the as yet unnoticed, which I propose now to Uttarapurdna. He says: discuss. गच्छत्येवं तयोः काले कदाचित्साधुसंसदि The first of these points is the occurrence of the phrase aivamédha-ydjinah in Dévavarman's अजैहोंतव्यमित्यस्य वाक्यस्यार्थप्ररूपणे ॥ grant. The language of this inscription is so विवादो भून्महांस्तत्र विगताकरशक्तिकम् clear that it will convince anyone that the grantor, Dévavarman, was a devout adherent of यवबीजं त्रिवर्षस्थमज इत्यभिधीयते ॥ the. Jaina creed. Now it is quite inconsistent तद्विकारेण सप्ताचैर्मुखे देवार्चनं विदः with the principles of Jainism that a Jaina king should, as an ordinary thing, speak of his वदन्ति यज्ञमित्याख्यदनुपद्धति नारदः॥ ancestor as a performer of horse-sacrifices. पर्वतो प्यजशब्देन पशुभेदः प्रकीर्तितः Those who are acquainted with the less trod यज्ञो मौ तद्विकारेण होत्रमित्यवददिधिः ।। den paths of Jaina literature, will know that shortly after the nirvana of the Trtharkara The Ganga king ChậmandarAja or Marasimha, Munisuvrata, a fierce dispute arose between the who finished his work in Saka 900, the Isvara Brâhmaņs and the Jainas in the matter of samvatsara, says : - sacrifices. The former insisted on the con- Mahákålana vamchaneyan=ariyade vihittinuance of yajñas; while the latter protested Åda(tha)rvvaņa-vêda-nirūpitaman vividhaRead brahmad yanh. 16 Read difi. 15 Read difi. Read dydti. * Read vama. 16 The lithograph' fails to show.completely the lower ante, Vol. VII. p. 83. part of the p. . ante, Vol. XII. p. 217.


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