JANUARY, 1885.]
7, and ranjita 1. 8; four forms of ta, in viditam 1. 15, tilaka 1. 13, janita 1. 7, and vijayavataḥ 1. 2; three forms of na, in naya 1, 9, nagara 1. 2, and samanta 1. 7; three forms of pa, in prabhá 1. 8, and pratápa 1. 7; ba in bahubhir 1. 28, and byása 1. 27; bha in bahubhir and adibhiḥ 1. 28; three forms of ma in amara 1. 1, pranámád 1. 6, and kamala 1. 5; ya in vijayavataḥ 1. 2, and jaya 1. 7; three forms of ra in amara and ramamiyád 1. 1, and ádhára 1. 11; la in kuláchaló 1. 9; three forms of va in vishayé 1. 14, sarvva 1. 1, and bhuvana 1. 4; sa in disi 1. 24, and in disi at the commencement of the same line; sa in sarvva 1. 1, and saurya 1. 10; and ha in agrahúra 1. 18, and mahárája, 1. 13.
The language is Sanskrit throughout, and the style is almost the same as that of the grant of Dêvêndravarman, No. CL., Vol. XIII. p. 273ff. The weight of the three plates is 91 tolas, and of the ring and seal, 53 tolas,-total, 1443 tolas.
The order recorded in this inscription' is issued, as in the three grants of Indravarman and the grant of Dêyêndravarman, from the victorious camp or residence situated at the city of Kalinganagara (line 2), by the glorious Satyavarmadê va (1. 14),who has had the stains of the Kali age
[*] Om I [] yâd=vijayavata[]*]
[] la-si(si) khara-pratishthitasya
[] la-bhuvana-nirmmân-aika-sûtradhârasya
[] dâmamanir"-bhagavató
Gokarnna (rņņa)-svâminaḥ
[] gala-pranâ (pa)mâd-vigataḥ-savda'-Kali-kalanko-nek-âhava
Second plate; first side.
removed by performing obeisance to the god Siva under the name of Gokarnasvâmin (1. 5), established on the pure summit of the mountain Mahendra (1. 2);-who has acquired the supremacy over the whole of Kalinga by the edge of his sword (1. 11);-who is a most devout worshipper of the god Mahêśvara (1. 12); -and who is the son of the Maharaja Dêvêndravarman (1. 13), the glory of the family of the Gangas. It is addressed to the Kutumbis residing at the village of Trugrâma (1. 14) in the Galela (1. 14) or Galelai (1. 34) vishaya; and it records that, on the occasion of an eclipse of the suu (1. 17), the said village was constituted an agrahara, of the gramadeva or tutelary villagegod, and was given to Kamalâsana, the son of the Gurava Khandyama. The boundaries of the village are described in lines 22 to 27. Lines 27 to 32 contain three of the usual benedictive and imprecatory verses. Lines 34 and 35 contain, as in the grant of Dêvêndravarman, the date of the fifty-first (year) of the centuries of years of the Gâ ngêy a lineage." And line 35 further records that the charter, was both written or composed, and engraved, by Virapa, the son of Khandyama. TEXT. First plate. Amarapur-ânukârina[b*]
Kalinga-nasa (ga)ra-vasakâh(t)
[] varmma-sunu[b*] [] grâma-vâsinah [) vô
['] samkshôbha-janita-jayasavda (bda)-pratap-â(ô) panata-samasta-sâmanta[] chakra-chudamani-prabhâ-manja (ja)rî-punja(ñja)-rajimta-vara-charaṇaḥ [] muda-kund-êndv-â (a) vadâta-[yaśô*]-dhvast-ârâti-kulâchalô [*]na-dākahinya(pya)-san"(kan)ryy-audaryya-satya-tyŵg-Adi-guṇa-aapaṁddha
[*] ra-bhôtô [""] dhirajyah
[] Gang-âmala-kula-tilaka-maharaja-śrîma-Dêvêdram1.
kutumvi(mbi)nah mayâ
sarvv-arttu-suka(kha)-ramani (ni) Mahendr-[4]chal. âma
sakasasâ (é)nka-chucharana-kamala-yu
Second plate; second side. ári-Satyavarmmady[6]
See ante, Vol. XIII. p. 274. From the original plates.
Read chudamaner.
First mih was engraved, and then it was corrected into minah.
Read ramjita.
Read vigata-sarvva. This sau was at first omitted,-apparently from
nija-nistrinsa"-dhår-ôpârjita sakala-Kaling-a
samâjñâpayati vidita-sakala-paramârttha-tat[t]vêna
TâruViditam=astu abhi
uncertainty on the part of the engraver as to what the akshara was, since a space was left for it,-and was then inserted in much smaller characters than the rest of the inscription, and partly above the line of writing. 10 Read sanspad.
11 Read nistrimia.
13 Read śrimad-Devendra.