Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 04
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 25
________________ JANUARY, 1875.) OLD KANARESE LITERATURE. 15 OLD KANARESE LITERATURE. BY THE REV. F. KITTEL, MERCARA. (From the Indian Evangelical Revier, No. I. pp. 64-9.) Jaina Literature. I means that are famous in poetical and dramaThe originators of Kanarose literature are the cal works, Vibhdva occurs. Further, when the Jainas, who have cultivated both Sanskrit and specialities of the action of the mind, the properties the vernaculars of the South. They have not of which are, as stated, constant and inconstant, only written from sectarian motives, but also from are perceived by spectators from perceptions a love for science, and have reproduced several (anubhava) of amorous looks, movement of the Sanskpit scientific works in Kanarese. The Sans- arms, and so on, Anubhdvas occur. By in various krit works dato back as far as the beginning of ways putting in front and setting in motion the fourth century A.D. Their great gramma- i (sanchdra) death and the other constant ones, rian Hemachandra probably lived in the twelfth Vyabhichdiris are produced." century. The oldest Jaina manuscript in Kana- "Bhdua becomes apparent by the mind (chitta); rese of which I know was copied A.D. 1428. The Rasa arises from the Bhava; Speech (vadana) saying that its original was composed a thousand displays this (the rasa). Bhdva is the action of years ago may be true. the mind (manal pravritti); Vibháva specifies the Some of the scientific Jaina works in Kanarese, Rasa that is born; those that have a sense for all of those in Sansksit verse, are the following :- beauty (bhavuka) know and enjoy the Rasa which 1. Någavarma's Chhandas or Prosody. His is born of the bhava, and this is Anubhava. The birthplace was Vengi desa. His work on prosody action completely pervaded by the mind wherein is the only standard work on that subject known the sthdyi (constant property) is (still) combined to the Kanarese. It comprises both Sanskrit and with constancy is natural disposition (satva), and Kanarese metres. As his Sanskrit source he by this (parichetas) the sdtvika bhdva is displayed ; mentions only the well-known Chhandas of Pili- when it is not constant, it becomes sanchdri (or gala Naga. vyabhichdri, i.e. inconstant property)." 2. Någavarma's Kdvydvalokana, a comprehen- "The eight constant affections (sthayi bhiva) sive treatise on the rules of Poetry. I have as are: amorous passion (rati), mocking (parihasa), yet only been able to procure the first and the grief (soka), effort (utscha), wrath (prakopa), astonbeginning of the second chapter. The headings ishment (vismaya), fear (bhaya), and aversion of its five chapters are: Sabda smriti, Kavya malı (iugupsatd)." vydovitti, Guna viveka, Riti krama, Rasa nirúpana. "The eight natural (spontaneous) affections (odt 3. Nagavarma's Nighantu, a vocabulary based vika bhava) are: horripilation (pulaka), tears upon Vararuchi, Halayudha, Bhåguri, and the (asru), perspiration (sveda), inability to move Amarakosha. The author gives only here and (stambha), mental absorption (laya), inarticulate there the Kanarese meanings of the Sanskrit speech (svara bleda), tremor (kampa), and change terms, being often obliged, on account of the of colour (vaivarnya)." metre it appears, to use a generally known Sans. "The appearance-affections (gestures) (annkrit one. Halayudha was a predecessor of Hema- bhava) are: frowning (blisikuti), colouring of the chandra, but later than Bhaguri and Amaradatta. face (mukha rdga), change in the look of the eyes 4. Salva's Rasaratrákara, a treatise on poetry (lochana vikriti), tremor of the lower lips (adhara and dramatic composition, is professedly based op kampana), displacing of hands and feet (kara Någavarma, Hemachandra, and others. The text charana vyásaka), and other actions of the memof my manuscript is rather incorrect. Here are bers of the body." a few sentences from its first chapter in an "The thirty-three inconstant affections (vyabhiimperfect translation : charibhava) are : intelligence (mati), shame (lajju), " The action of the mind (chitta vritti), the pro- haste (divega), apprehension (bank), death (marana), perties (lakshana) of which are constant (sthúyi) fickleness (chapalatá), delight (harsher), self-abaseand inconstant (vyabhichári), and are combined ment (nirveda), indigence (dainya), recollection with the pantomimes (abhinaya) of amorous (smriti), loss of presence of mind (moha), indolence passion (rdga) and so on, is Bhdva. When the (dlasya)," etc. actions of the mind arouse the constant affections “The eight mild condiments (or tastes, santa (bhava) by a playful woman and other such objects rasa) are: amorous emotion (eringdra), mirth as belong to the means of excitement (uddipana) (hdaya), tenderness (karuna), heroism (ufra), anger of (or concerning) the real object of affection (praraudra), surprise (adbhuta), terror (thaydnaka), (alambria, for instance the hero of the piece), and disgust (Bibhatsa)."


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