________________ 54 Introduction despite the fact that it occurs in the Bahudhatuka-sutta. Instead, it is found enumerated in the Ab. Such a discrimination in the treatment of these two sets points to a possibility of a later origin of the Bahudhatuka-sutta. The first set of six dhatus is most certainly the older one. It is repeated several times (even in the Bahudhatuka-sutta) in the Suttas. In the Kosa and the Dipa' they are called maula or basic elements as they constitute a personality. Buddhaghosa is not unaware of the precedence given to these six dhatus over the traditional eighteen. He says that they are virtually included in these six. This, however, appears to be an attempt by the Abhidharmikas to make their dhatu enumeration conform to the older sutra formulas. In the Ab. the eighteen psycho-physical elements are explained in full detail. The six organs, their corresponding six objects, and the resultant six kinds of consciousness constitute the Abhidharmika dhatu classfication. This is, no doubt, highly useful and scientific. It explains the Buddhist doctrine of perception and serves as a basis for the formation of the doctrine of chitta-vithi, a unique theory of the Theravada Atthakathas. A beginning of this doctrine is suggested in this Dhatu-vibhanga. S * The Atthakatha gives several details of the meaning, scope, number and sequence of the dhatus. Different sets of dhatus are spoken of in the suttas. Buddhaghosa collects them all together and tries to show that all these (they number 35) are idcluded in the traditional eighteen. There seems to be no unanimity on the meaning and nature of a few of these dhatus. For instance, the sanna-vedayita-nirodha-dhatu is once described as a non-entity, and again as a kind of kama or dhamma-dhatu.* It may be noted that the former explanation agrees with the Sautrantikas who also call it a mere notion, a prajnapti-dharma. The Yogacharas and the Vaibhashikas, however, enumerate this dhatu as a positive element in their list of the chitta-viprayukta-samskaras." 1 Ad, ka, 13. 2 Vbh. p. 72. 4 Vbh. A. p. 78. 3 See Vbh. pp. 89-90. 5 Ado. pp. 91-6.