________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In editing the Abhidhai ma-dipa I have received invaluable help from my colleagues both in India and in Britain. The work was undertaken at the instance of my revered teacher Pandit Sukhalalji Sanghavi. The late Acharaya Narendra Deva, who evinced a keen interest in Abhidharma studies, directed ine towards a comparative study of the Dipa with the Abhidharma-kosa-bhashya of Vasubandhu. This was made possible by the generosity of Professor Prahlad Pradhan who kindly gave me access to his press-copy of the Abhidharma-kosa-bhashya. I am deeply grateful to Professor A. S. Altekar, the General Editor of the Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series for his permission to quote and print passages from the above work in the present edition of Dipa. The editing and printing of the text was almost complete in 1956, when I left the Hindu University, Banaras to join the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, where I wrote the Introduction under the supervision of Professor J: Brough. In the course of these studies, I have received valuable help from many of my colleagues in the School, notably Professor W. Simon, Dr. D. Snellgrove, Dr. D. Friendman, Mr. J. E. B. Gray, and Dr. R. E. Asher. I have also received helpful suggestion from Professor T. R. V. * Murti of the Hindu University, Banaras, Professor J. W. De Jong of Leiden, and Dr. Edward Conze. To all these I offer my sincere thanks. . Finally I should like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my esteemed friend Pandit Dalsukh Malvania of the Hindu University, Banaras, who was associated from the beginning with the editing and without whose help the task would not have been brought to a successful conclusion. The whole work was submitted as a thesis for the Ph. D. Degree of the University of London. Lack of space has