________________ 431.] षष्ठोऽध्यायः। भवानमुपादाय ब्रह्मलोकमिन्द्रलोकं यावदवीचिमुपादाय सर्वबालपृथग्जनेदं (रदृ)ष्टपूर्वमन्यत्र शुद्धावासेभ्य इति // अभिधर्मप्रवीपे' विभाषाप्रभायां वृत्तौ षष्ठस्याध्यायस्य द्वितीया पावः // 9 Here the Text is called Pradipa. At the end of the fourth pada of the Seventh Adhyaya and the third pada of the Eighth Adhyaya also, it is called Pradipa. V. infra, Adv. karika, 531 and 585. Elsewhere it is uniformally called Dipa and the author of the Text is called Dipakara.V.supra, p.169,